Use of Virtual Worlds For Military Training

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"There will be new technologies and some of these are predicted. However, principles of learning and teaching at a distance are relatively stable; it is necessary to evaluate the value of each technology for how it contributes to improving the applications of these principles." (Moore & Kearsley, 2005, p. 305) What preeminent and accessible technologies most effectively and efficiently train our soldiers, regardless of schedules and global positions? Alan Davis a former Vice-President of Athabasca University wrote that there are two essentials on which all instructional systems should focus: “the needs of the intended students and the learning outcomes of the course or program”. (Davis, 2004, p. 98) Introduction The U. S. Department of Defense (DOD) believes that virtual worlds (VW) are the answer to getting the results needed by using VW to train soldiers. DOD believes that VW modalities presently provide some of the most innovative and available technologies being used to design systems of teaching and learning. VWs provide U. S. soldiers with “hands-on” training at any time at any place. Through the DOD Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) initiative, individuals and units worldwide receive specific on-demand training through Distance Education. The U.S. Army Research Institute carried out several investigation projects to identify specific technologies and methodologies that promote superior ADL experiences. Their conclusions reveal that VW technologies, such as Second Life, are both successful and proficient in training soldiers with knowledge and skills specific to certain jobs, programs, and missions. DOD is determined to educate and train soldiers with the most current top-notch methodologies for their DL c... ... middle of paper ... ...March 6, 2011 from: Moore, M. G., & Kearsley, G. (2005). Distance education: A systems view. 2ndEd. Belmont, CA:. Wadsworth. Neal, L. (2007). Elearn Magazine: Predictions for 2007. Retrieved March 1, 2011 from: United States Department of Defense. (1999). Continuous learning system for 2012: An advanced distributed learning research assessment. Retrieved on April 8, 2011 from: USAF Air University. (2010). Horizons in learning innovation through technology: Prospects for Air Force education benefits. 2010 Air University Report. Montgomery, AL: Retrieved from:

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