Use of Diction in Thomas Hardy's The Man He Killed

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Use of Diction in Thomas Hardy's The Man He Killed

Poems are typically written in a distinctive way to convey a specific message to the reader. The words or diction construct a poem by depicting ideas, feelings, setting, and characters. Therefore, a poet must chose his/her words with great care to create the appropriate message and to allow the reader to comprehend the general meaning. Thomas Hardy composed The Man He Killed, a poem demonstrating the effect war has upon soldiers and how war changes friend into a foe. The informal diction used by Hardy adds to the general meaning and impact of the poem. Idiom, specific and concrete words, and rhyming are all combined to form the diction of the poem, which enhance the impact and focus of the ideas and emotions.

Idiom is a phrase or style of speaking whose meaning can't be predicted from the combination of its element's definitions. Hardy uses this type of informal diction numerous times to enhance the impact of the poem upon the reader. The overall meaning of the poem claims that war changes friend into a f...

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