Urinary System Research Paper

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Our body is made up almost three-quarters of water, the younger the person, the higher the water content. Different body tissues contain different amounts of water. In blood, in the skeletal muscles and the skin is a lot of water, the fat just a little. A normal adult needs about 2 liters of fluid per day to replace the water that the body loses every day through sweat, exhaled air, etc. Excess water, salts and urea become urine.
The central organs of the urinary system are the kidneys. They filter poisoness substances that are no longer needed by the organism from the body. The substances are excreted in the urine. The substances are excreted in the urine , which is produced in the kidneys . Water and substances such as urea, uric acid , salts or other acids are removed from the blood . Each day all the blood of a human being, five to six liters, flows through the kidneys about 300 times. Overall they filter every day about 1300 liters of blood. …show more content…

Nerves in the bladder wall register the strain and signal the brain that the bladder is full. The bladder can store up to 500 to 700 ml of urine. When emptying the blister, the bladder muscle contracts and another muscle at the base of the bladder relaxes so that the urine can flow out through the urethra. In men, the urethra passes through the penis and is about 20 centimeters long. In women, it opens above the vaginal outlet. Since their urethra is only three to five centimeters long, bacteria can get out of the anus more easily into the bladder. This is one of the reasons why bladder infections in women are more common than in men. In older men, a larger prostate pressing on the bladder and urethra makes it difficult to urinate. For urination and stopping of urine a complex interplay of muscles and nerve signals is necessary, which is controlled by the

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