Urban Community And Social Services In A Rural Community

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Experts have said that the experiences that a child encounters in their surroundings throughout their childhood can either enhance or inhibit the unfolding of their inborn potential (12). Urban and rural communities showcase in many differences in a variety of categories. One of these areas is child welfare. Not only do urban children experience areas of life differently than those in rural communities, but they also receive resources adversely. However, there are actions that we, as a society, can take in order to ensure that all child have the opportunity to thrive. The standard definition of a rural area, as referred to by the United States government (5), is a community of fewer than 2,500 people, while the definition of an urban are is …show more content…

Large urban areas possess many challenges of their own to the children and adults who reside in them. Social service workers in urban areas have clients with complex, multiple needs that may differ from clients in smaller communities. Reliable and consistent workers are essential to successfully working with families such as these. In a recent study (8), the job satisfaction of social service workers in an urban child welfare agency was looked at using the Job Satisfaction Scale (JSS). The JSS measured various areas of satisfaction in the workplace, including work, supervision, coworkers, pay and promotion, work environment, training, and position. The results indicated that the staff were relatively satisfied. Neither the position of staff members, demographic factors nor prior experiences predicted job satisfaction. The findings also suggest that there are unique influences on intention to leave among three localities: urban, rural, and suburban show unique individual influences on social service job satisfaction. The data from a study looking at social service staff satisfaction in an urban setting indicated that social service staff, at least in a single agency, working in an urban setting are generally satisfied with their jobs. Given the challenges that social service staff in urban settings face on a day-to-day basis, these findings are relevant to those individuals administrating or …show more content…

More and more frequently, incidents of drug deals, gang violence, and domestic shootings are shown on the news. Many of these incidents occur in urban areas just steps away from where young children play. Healthy, fun environments within urban cities, such as playgrounds, community pools, and age-appropriate splash pads, can encourage children to safely enjoy being children and help them, refrain against life-altering actions such as drugs, gang violence, and sexual exploitation. Another way of installing safety within communities is by installing neighborhood watch programs. These committees make it their priority to insure the safety of all members within the community and take action in preventing dangerous

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