Upton Sinclair's The Importance Of Robots In Our Lives

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Today robots are everywhere. They build products on factory lines replacing humans, the conduct surveys over the phone, and they can give you directions to anywhere you want to go. What does this due to our connection to other humans? Machines give us faster and safer production in our daily lives and pushes us to be more than what we could be in our daily lives. Robots are good at many different whether it be a low-skill, repetitive job or a high-speed, precise job they can be programed and designed for both types. They can also move faster than humans and in risky jobs it takes out the chance of someone getting hurt. With this efficiency is increased and we become more prosperous and progressive in the world. Robots have abilities to do things in production lines that humans can’t. In Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle, tells of men who lost fingers and crushed hands moving meat from under heavy machines and large automated knives. Having a robot that can move meat in these conditions …show more content…

Just look at the tale of John Henry. Intelligent machines challenge our ideas about what we as humans can become. In this world we have a drive to be the best no matter what it’s in. We want to be the best in manufacture, in sales, in driving, in everything and robots entering into these worlds push us become better and in turn make the robots better so we have an ever growing competitor. Digital robotic systems can take phone calls and get people the information they need with the press of a few buttons. This takes away wait time which in turn makes workers want to be able to beat the robot and have a faster return time. Self-driving cars are now a work-in-progress. We are making cars better and better as to improve our driving skills. This in turn makes us push ourselves to be just as good if not better than the car even if just simply to prove robots are not better than

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