Argumentative Essay On Self-Driving

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In 2014 I was watching a documentary on transportation when the narrator said something that completely threw me in simultaneous disbelief and awe. He said that it was estimated that by 2020 self-driving cars would be on roads, and sometime later in that decade, they would become the norm.
Back then I didn’t know much of anything about self-driving cars, but over the years I accumulated more knowledge. Before I started research on this topic I knew a couple of key points. First of all, I heard about machine learning and some basic facts about how it worked. I also I read a little about Google’s self-driving car and I had a vague idea of how sensors worked with the code.
Though I had some knowledge on this topic, I wanted to achieve a more in-depth knowledge of how self-driving cars work. Since I am interested in programming and I’m planning on becoming a software engineer, this knowledge is both fascinating and possibly even useful for my …show more content…

Humans have been driving for almost a century and a half, by now it become a normal part of life. There are a few benefits of self-driving cars I found in my research.. Ninety-Nine percent of all car crashes are caused by human error. If self-driving cars are trained properly and the sensors work as well as we hope they do, this number will plummet. Since self-driving cars aren’t prone to human error, car insurance premiums will drop. [3] The average commute in the United States takes twenty-five minutes. [ ] With a self-driving car those twenty-five minutes of your day that is spent on nerve-wracking driving could be spent on something else. If cars can drive themselves, there would be no need for drivers education, saving time and money for families. Also, parents would not drive older children to activities. The car can take them to practice, can be used for other errands during that time, and drive them back home after

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