Universal Basic Income System Essay

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(possible solutions can also be found under the “characteristics of a universal basic income system’ under background information) The major issues at hand, and the main reasons why people do not support universal basic income, is because of the funding methods. Many people believe that supporting universal basic income means that there is less money for the government to use to help public services, as well as reward ‘lazy’ people and provide less incentive for growth in the country. However, this case can be argued as there are a variety of potentially successful methods of funding, that would actually aid the government. Firstly, there is a taxation option; that most governments have already implemented. This funding could come in the form of income tax, transaction tax, property tax, environmental tax etc. This money could fund the system, which in result would increase tax as citizens would have higher incomes and would pay a higher percentage of tax. It would also increase motivation for people to enter the labour force, as rational citizens living solely on the universal basic income system wouldn’t have much left to support themselves. Funding could also come in the form of increasing money supply in the country. Increasing money supply could be through printing money, seignorage or quantitative easing. Governments could …show more content…

This could be done through integrating the system in the existing social welfare system which would support income, unemployment, subsidies and pensions. Basic income would reduce bureaucracy and costs necessary for testing and documentation, which would result in an increase in money that can be implemented in the social welfare system. Basic income would also be effective in replacing minimum wages, which would eliminate the disadvantages and struggles with

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