American Dream For Equality Essay

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The Dream for Equality
A dream is a series of thoughts, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep. A dream can also be defined as a goal or even a wish in someone’s future. The American Dream is a set of ideals – Democracy, Rights, Liberty, Opportunity, and Equality – that were introduced in the 19th and 20th centuries. If you could work hard, you could make it in America. That is the American Dream. Today government hands the people what they need, it is no longer a struggle to survive in America. Due to the accessibility of resources The American Dream is now unique for every individual and is very much obtainable, but people try to fit into a mold of the mundane American society in doubt of the false reality until they realize they are not happy; they are not free. The American Dream over the years has definitely changed …show more content…

My American Dream is to get married to my soul-mate, live life to the fullest, create a family and enjoy it while it last. That sounds like a common dream for the majority’s future, right? But for a homosexual man – like myself – two of those things currently are extremely controversial, and difficult to get accomplished. Why would that stop me? If we look back on the original themes of the American Dream two of them were rights and equality. Which today are not the truest things that happen in our society. I believe the original meaning American Dream should stay true and help prove that accomplishing my dream of having a family, having an equal chance in everything, having a husband who I can love without question, and most of all living an enjoyable life without negativity. My peers may not agree with my choices but that does not mean you can stop me from trying. Every person can make their dream a reality, it only depends on you. I believe the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their

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