Unintentional Falls Prevention Essay

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Unintentional falls are also linked with a number of other health concerns that require medical attention, as well. The risk of falls increase if the individual has a pre-existing condition of high blood pressure (hypertension), cardiovascular disease, diabetes, vision problems and osteoporosis (National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Disease, 2014). The type of fatal and non-fatal injuries were documented in the state of New Mexico from 2008 - 2012. During that time over 46.6% of falls required hospitalization by “other and unspecified falls”, with 39.0% of people “falling on the same level from slipping, tripping or stumbling” (New Mexico Department of Health, 2014). The remaining percent fell from a mobile structure, such as a bed or wheelchair. During that tie frame it is also noted that the majority of these falls also occurred within a skilled nursing facility or rehab center.
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The reality is that one in every three people will be treated for a fall in an emergency department setting yearly (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2016). With the use of preventative strategies the prevalence of these injuries can be reduced. Encouraging the older adults in your community to exercise, improve eating habits, watch medicine intake and the elimination of hazards in the home can all reduce the risk of falling. Having a healthy diet and exercise regime can not only improve your overall health, but increase your vitamin D supply which reduces the risk of osteoporosis. The side effect of medications also causes a increased likelihood of an individual to fall, so having medicines under control is a advisory precaution. Unsafe environments, clutter on the floor and in the home is also a major risk factor for “those with poor balance and limited vision” (Center for Disease Control and Prevention,

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