Surviving Fall Essay

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Surviving Fall – Skincare Tips for Perfect Skin

The changing seasons don’t just influence how the environment behaves. The dropping temperatures and darker days have an impact on our skin as well. Fall, especially, is a time of transition; your skin recovering from the summer sun’s possible damage and getting ready for the harsher, colder climate of winter. Fall is the time to give your skin some much needed rest and re-energize it for the new year. To ensure you survive fall and come out with a healthier looking skin, follow the below tips.

Swap the gels to creamy soaps

One of the major changes your skin experiences during fall is extra dryness. Even if your skin tends to be on the oilier side, the dryer weather is likely to leave your skin more like a combination skin rather than purely oily or dry. To ensure you add a gentler touch to your daily skincare routine, swap the gel-based face wash to a creamy soap. You want to avoid fragrances and harsh chemicals, and instead, pick something organic. Our favorites include the organic soaps at Walgreens. Furthermore, opt for cleansers with glycerin and humectants for a softer feeling. These can often be found in Shea butter and soybean based cleansers.

Exfoliate regularly

If you’ve enjoyed your summer to the full, your skin has most likely experienced plenty of sun, chlorine and …show more content…

The skin is often thinner and regular washing of your hands can leave your hands much dried during the season. You should pick a special moisturizing hand cream, such as Burt’s Bees Beeswax Hand Creme from Overstock Drugstore. If you find yourself washing your hands a lot, you should also invest into a moisturizing hand wash. In terms of your lip care, we recommend getting a good lip exfoliator like bliss’ Fabulips Sugar Lip Scrub from and using moisturizing lipstick. Check out Tom Ford’s range of

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