Uninsured Students Essay

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Health care has been a very big issue among college students. Estimate 1.7 million college students are uninsured students with no medical insurance (Redden). Mr. Cornyn I believe you have the power to help us struggling college students.
In a recent survey GAO found that students health care plans cost $30 to $2,400 a month depending on the plan. The plan a student chooses might limit preventative care, prescription drug coverage and other health services (redden). Many students prefer having Maximum benefits but could cost 2,500 and does not including a hospital stay.
Also in a new report, most college students receive their health insurance from a family members policy which causes students to be dependent on their families plans. Also In 2006, a survey shows that 67 percent of students receive their health insurance through employer. Meanwhile that leaves the 1.7 uninsured students to spend estimate 120 to 255 million dollars in 2005 (redden). …show more content…

Students are part time older students who must shuffle between keeping up with their education and work which is probably part time as well, in most cases part time jobs do not include health insurance benefits. Students with lower family incomes are also less likely to have insurance due to the high prices of maximum insurance.
Mr. Cornyn I suggest that colleges should provide students a premium insurance with their tuition costs. While tuitions are Increasing an estimate $1000 ever year adding insurance for student’s wellbeing is extremely important as students like myself are going to be in extreme debt. If you could in anyway help us with this I will greatly appreciate it.
I hope that this issue could be solved for many students as myself are currently uninsured and would truly benefit from having an affordable college

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