The cost of college is becoming an issue for most college students. It is no secret that a college education is expensive, and it just keeps rising. With the cost of college becoming outrageous and students are leaving college students with high amounts of debt. Some students can’t even afford college. That’s something that shouldn’t be happening. Colleges need to lower their tuition for college students. One college in mind is Lourdes University. Lourdes University is a small private institution, with a little over 1,500 students who are currently enrolled in the 2015 fall semester. My topic is about trying to lower the cost of college tuition. I am interested in this topic, because college tuition is a big deal, and affects every college …show more content…
The main reasons that tuition should be lowered are that students need an easier and a cheaper access to higher education, so that children who are born into poverty have a chance to make a better life for themselves, and so that the amount of student debt in America is decreased. Currently, students do not have a simple or inexpensive access to higher education due to the increasing cost of tuition and the decreasing amount of scholarships being awarded. Aside from tuition, state colleges fund academics mostly by state appropriations. Let’s acknowledge how expensive Lourdes University is for college students. The cost of tuition is around $19,000 per year for commuters, but for residential students, it could be somewhere from $27,500 to $30,400 per year. More and more students change their final decision due to the expensive cost of attending specific colleges or universities. Towards these issues, I will perform detailed evaluation so that people can be informed about why Lourdes should lower the cost of …show more content…
Just one book alone can cost around a hundred dollars and if you have to buy five books, that is five hundred dollars just for books. For biology majors, a biology book can sometimes cost two to three hundred dollars. Also colleges charge fees for their students, some examples of the fees Lourdes University charges are, Technology fee of seventy five dollars, a health services fee of seventy five dollars and biology majors a fee of seventy dollars for lab, all per semester. The author of “College May Cost More Than You Think” writes, “Once your students has been accepted and is about to head off to school, you’ll receive your first tuition bill. The bottom line on the statement may have shocked you, but at least you thought, you knew what was ahead. However, don’t put your checkbook away just yet” (1). This quotes tells the truth that you think your tuition bill is going to be this much, but a curveball is thrown and your tuition bill is really this much. Although college students have to work while in college to pay for tuition, they should not. Working while in college can cause harm to your education. Quentin Fottrell (2013), from MarketWatch, states that, “Nearly four out of five U.S. students… work while in school, survey by Citigroup and Seventeen magazine found, with the average working student putting in 19 hours a week during
The other cause of college being more expensive is the length of a student graduating college from the traditional four years. Most students and their family tend to get their degree in four years of college, but that not the case. Staying in school for more than four years is really expensive because according to the article if a student stays for more than four years in a public university, the average cost will be $63,718 intuitions fees, book, and living expenses etc. Also, most students are covered by scholarships, but having scholarship will eventually be useless after four years. For example, in the article Nicolas, who has an athletic scholarship, he stayed in college for more than four years. The scholarship that he has, expired after four years. So now Nicolas has to get some
It is no secret that the cost of tuition has been increasing since the millennials have arrived. High school graduates try to find themselves after graduating from high school. Some have no idea what they want to do, but those that want to further their education and have a better career will be the successful ones. One of the main reasons why college tuition should be reduced is so that students will not be in debt. Yes, there is FASA but not everyone is eligible for that.
The skyrocketing price of college tuition is causing a tremendous concern over whether higher education will be a viable financial concept to the average citizen over the next decades. Some families have opted to explore different means of obtaining a higher education for their children as these costs escalate. There is overwhelming evidence that colleges need to restructure the way they are run because tuition prices are increasing at a rapid rate causing changes in the way students fund their education and in the way the government provides educational subsidies.
Tuition is the cost to take classes at a college or university and is the most expensive part of a college education as it makes up 60 % of the overall price tag (Bashkar and Gopalan). Tuition has become increasingly more expensive over the years and has increased by nearly 500% since 1986, which is far more than inflation or tuition (Willie). The question is, why has there been such a mas...
The critical challenge within in today’s society is that college tuition should be free or if not free, more affordable for all students. Certainly, higher education should not be considered a luxury where only the wealthy could afford, but an opportunity for all caste systems. It must be an accessible and affordable opportunity for all students in order for them to invest in their education. Higher education is important because it provides more careers to choose from than the careers offered without having a college degree. Ultimately, the issue here is whether it is right to make college tuition more affordable for the students.
Is it all worth it? According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, an employee with a college degree will earn about $457 more per week which calculates out to about $1 million over the span of one’s career. It is definitely worth pursuing a degree to be competitive in today’s job market. One of the best ways to eliminate some of the debt is to apply to apply for as many grants and scholarships that are available to assist with reducing your cost for college.
Having two to three jobs while at college is alright, and maybe having a not so nice car. What helps you save now can help you in the future.
College tuition is a hot topic these days. For a long time, people did not pay much attention to tuition. Today, things are changing. More and more, people are realizing how high tuition has gotten and now they want that to change. In the following essay, I have tried to tackle a very difficult topic. The problem with this topic was that, during research, I found that almost all of the information regarding it was attack after attack on the college administrations. I found no writings by college administrators even attempting to defend themselves. I discovered the awful truth about how much college tuition had gotten out of control over the years.
Ask any college student to state one of their largest expenses and it would be safe to bet the response would be “Textbook prices!” The cost of purchasing required materials for courses has reached numbers high enough to cause many students to take out second loans. Information released this year by the American Enterprise Institute shows that “College textbook prices have increased faster than tuition, health care costs and housing prices, all of which have risen faster than inflation” (Kingkade, 2013). This information equates to an 812% increase in the cost of college textbooks over what they were just over thirty years ago (Kingkade, 2013). The figure here shows an unusually large increase that has far outpaced that of average inflation. Combine this information with the equally troubling information released by Bloomberg stating “college tuition and fees have increased 1,120 percent since records began in 1978” and a serious financial problem for students emerges(Huffington Post, 2012). One thing should be clear given these statistics: something must be done to help lessen the financial burden being placed on today’s students. Considering the implications of these two figures, the University of Delaware should attempt to remedy the increasing cost of textbooks as soon as possible before they overwhelm students any more than they already have. In order to help reduce these runaway costs, this institution should pursue a policy similar to those high schools and elementary schools practice, namely a sort of loan program.
In all colleges in the United States, students are required to pay for their classes’ tuition either by themselves, their parents, guardians or a scholarship that they may have. The average tuition fee for an individu...
How does the rising cost of college tuition affect us? Every year thousands of students attend a college or university, usually of their choice, with the goal of achieving a higher education and to better their future. The cost of attending college is too high and it needs to go down; there needs to be more scholarship and grant opportunities. The high cost of attending college is a major reason that students aren’t able to achieve higher education; others take this as a challenge and it is motivation for them to work harder to achieve their goal. One might ask why would someone want to spend money to receive more education and miss out on more years of work that they could’ve performed? For many, it is so they can receive more salary for the jobs that they will have later in life, also so that they can get training for their wanted career. The cost of attending college is high and continues to rise without indications of decreasing. The rising cost has many benefits such as earning more pay, but it also has its disadvantages such as the debt that is accumulated from student loans. Not everyone can afford to drop down thousands of dollars and attend school for a few more years. Students who wish to receive a post-secondary education must decide whether it is the right choice for them depending on their financial standpoint, meaning that they must decide if they have the resources to further their education.
But many low-income students not only have a full-time course schedule, they also have jobs where they work more than 30 hours per week. Approximately one-quarter of college students’ work while attending school and have both a full course-load and a full-time job (Carnevale, Smith, & Melton, 2015). Working helps students with the living costs as well as tuition and can help students learn skill sets that many employers prefer. However, there are problems with having full-time work while going to college.
Fighting the cost of college tuition is a hot topic these days. As long as I can remember, tuition has always been a reason why most people don 't pursue their bachelor’s or even associate degree. Today 's society has changed students are fighting for grants, financial aid, and even loans to pay through school. In order to be financially comfortable in the 15th century a college education is a must. It is an everyday battle getting financial support from a college’s administration. Colleges need to be more affordable, obtaining funds less stressful, and colleges must enact policies that condone these principles.
With the rapid growth of college tuition, it has become an important issue in higher education. College Tuition is simply defined as the charge or fee for instruction, at a private school or a college or a university. Most people agree today that college tuition is too high or that it needs to be completely dismissed. There are some however, that may disagree with the claim about college tuition and state that college tuition is necessary for college growth, and it’s primary purpose is to pay for college expenses to support the institution financially. Research shows that college tuition is too high and that debt has become a standard in America after attending post-secondary school.
Over the years the prices have risen to significantly enormous heights. For four reasons college tuition should be free. It’s too expensive, most cannot afford to attend. Second, if university is free students will be able to spend more time focusing on their education. Another reason college should be free is because every student deserves a good education.