Unhealthy Food In America Essay

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America has gotten to a point in which several Americans are overweight and are having health issues due to unhealthy eating habits. People are living shorter lives in today's world than it was back then. Back in the day, people ate foods that were healthy and did not bother eating the unhealthy foods. The parents made homemade meals at home even when both parents worked and the only time they would go out to eat is on special occasions. Life today there are several unhealthy foods that people eat on a daily basis and do not bother to cook homemade meals. Obesity is rising in the United States and is becoming a big problem. With the obesity rates rising and many people dieing at a young age, something must be done to help solve the issue. Taxing unhealthy products is a solution that should be brought up to America to make people become healthy and change the eating habits.
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People ate healthy foods and had a small percent chance of getting diabetes. This shows that over the years many things have changed to a point in which many americans are becoming overweight. Several fast food restaurants have multiplied and are now seen in every block. People are eating out more and not preparing homemade meals. In Attacking the Obesity Epidemic by First Figuring Out Its Cause, Jane E. Brody notes that even when both parents worked, most meals were made and eaten at home.(8). In today's world many parents and college students do not have the time to make food so the easy way to eat is at a fast food restaurant. Since many women have also started working it has become difficult for both parents to make a homemade meal. This does not mean that eating out every day is an excuse to make. People have found a way to go to work or college and still go home and make their own meals instead of going out. If a person wants to change then that person will find a way to better

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