Unfair In The Court System Essay

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The United States court system has seen far too many unfair court cases during the last five years. People should trust the court system and know that justice will be served depending on guilt or innocence. Distrusting the court system arises when jurors use racist comments, lack interest, and the unfair rules.
One common mistake that occurs, making a trial unfair, involves racist comments made by police officers and jury members. This occurred during a Daytona, Florida trial involving a black couple named Derrick and Eugena Powell. The lawsuit involved “suing their insurance company to cover losses from a traffic collision with an underinsured motorist”(The New York Times) when they ran into an incident involving the jury. Juror Karen Dowding notified Derrick and Eugena’s lawyer that mean comments have been stated by other jury members, also, it included an all-white jury and a black couple suing. “An all-white jury that compared blacks to chimpanzees and told racist jokes” (The New York Times). The Powell’s suit involving the insurance company involved restitution caused by a traffic collision, and they end up getting racially labeled. “The jurors frequently …show more content…

However, potential jurors would rather spend their time concocting ideas, thereby avoiding jury duty. . Nowadays jurors would rather not deliberate about the trial. The innocence or guilt rests upon a jury who would rather not participate within the judicial decision making. This does not prove my claim when juror eight says, “it’s not so easy for me to raise my hand and send a boy off to die without talking about it first” (Rose 1.15). Earlier within the play, some jury members just wanted a guilty verdict, incarcerating the teenager because they felt jury duty seemed inconvenient. How can trust within the court system achieve the desired goal when jury members would rather go home then decide the actual guilt or

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