Unequal Pay Thesis

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Kameryn St.Onge Research paper Women should be paid the same amount of money as men, when doing the same full time jobs. One significant problem the world is facing takes place in the workplaces. The Gender Pay Gap affects all women of all ages, races, religion, beliefs and educational levels. “Today, on average, a woman earns 79 cents for every dollar a man earns, and women’s median annual earnings are $10,800 less than men’s. ” (Gould) Stereotypes are sexist, this form of discrimination is unacceptable but at this point in our modern day society, almost unavoidable. Men aren't necessarily the sole financial supporters and women aren't necessarily the housewives. Aren't we wise enough to realize this? Gender stereotypes start an early age, such as with the toys and colors we introduce to our children. Gender roles play an important part in shaping the way we think about others in society. The image of women being weak has caused many problems in society. For example, women are mainly seen as being physically weaker, smaller and more fragile. Culturally women are seen as being passive, domestic and have weaknesses. These issues with characterizing women as a weaker sex in society makes it hard for women to be seen as equals to men. …show more content…

Unequal pay is discrimination against women. Women strive to ensure their gender does not affect the amount they are paid or the way they are treated at the workplace. “There are many reasons the gap is so hard to close, according to Olivia Mitchell, the director of the pension research council at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Three of the most significant contributors, she says, are the penalty women face for becoming mothers, women's lack of negotiating skills and the bias women face from employers.”(Farber) This gender problem need to be corrected and rapidly. This is unacceptable, gender should not affect your

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