Unemployment In America Essay

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Unemployment is a bigger complication in America than what people really understand it to be. Despite the inventions of new technology and discovering new ways to do things, the underlying principles of why unemployment occurs remain the same. People let go from their jobs and there are some people who don’t even bother getting a job. But what people don’t know is that unemployment effects all of us. It causes problems for families that don’t try by complicating daily living expenses. For everyone else, it effects income taxes. But the reasons of unemployment are due to economic conditions, new technology being discovered, and the nations increasing population. Being unemployed today can make an everyday living the hardest thing a person has to deal with. People who are unable to …show more content…

The increased population leads to a higher unemployment rate and as the number of people who are looking for jobs is increasing, it is more difficult to arrange jobs for all these huge numbers of workers. In this situation the demand for work will be more than the available openings. Emil Malizia, writer of The Influence Of Economic Diversity On Unemployment And Stability says “An unemployment situation continues as long as the demand-supply gap persists” (Malizia). Demand is referring to the quantity, or how much, of a product and it is the amount of a product people are willing to buy at a certain price. Supply is how much the marker can offer for each product and the amount of a certain good producers are willing to supply when receiving a certain price. So, increasing population often lead to unemployment at a slower rate. But not slow enough is an area is over populated. Since it is hard for some people to find a job, they move to another area where there might be a chance of employment. But when that doesn’t work out, that area can quickly become over populated and even supplies can become limited to those living in the

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