Understanding of the Treadway Case

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Introduction Ms. Ashley Wall, who has 10 years of experience at Treadway Tire Company as the Human Resource Director, has decided to conduct a in-depth evaluation of the line foremen job dissatisfaction dilemma, within a relatively short period of time and formulate a plan of action to rectify it. Using an action research approach to understand the issue from varying viewpoints, Ms. Wall is committed to resolving the issue as soon as possible by bring to light the key issues at the plant using formal and informal documentation. According to Patton (2002), “to have an understanding of the nature of the problem by those involved will allow human beings to more effectively control their environment” (p. 217). This is to say that as a contributor to the problem being studied, personal insights and experiences can be interjected with a sense of urgency to get any problem under control. Key Issues and Mistakes At Treadway Tire Company, the major problem of job dissatisfaction is the expressed result of varying underlying issues. Firstly, at Treadway, there is a misalignment of the mission and vision statements when compared to the daily work performed. The company has become very focused on surviving the outside challenges of escalating raw materials costs and global competition setting aside the internal issues of morale, job dissatisfaction, and high turnover rate among the line foremen. By continuing to manage by daily numbers, the Lima plant has incorrectly assumed that their current way of managing is adequate. According to Collins (2001) this is managing by “self-ego, self-interest which will hinder them from becoming great” (p. 30). While the outside challenges may not go away, the inside challenges can be handled by embrac... ... middle of paper ... ...ng tough decisions will require a disciplined effort by all key persons. Conclusion The purpose of this study was to summarize the key issues faced by the Treadway Tire Company and to analyze any mistakes made by Ashley in the identification of the problem. There is a sense of urgency in understanding the problem from the different viewpoints of leadership and the line foremen position under study. The data collection will be the key to understanding the problem and will uncover reoccurring themes that can be addressed immediately. When the leadership of companies fails to look beyond what is to what could be, the company as a whole suffers and is not living up to its full potential. At Treadway, its leadership will have to look beyond where they currently are to see what a great company they can be by acknowledging its problems and taking steps to correct them.

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