Understanding Suffering

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Understanding Suffering

The suffering of man is a very complicated matter that is most likely impossible to understand completely. It is a subject that people have grappled with since the dawn of recorded history. In fact, suffering is evident in every form of art man has created. Suffering is in our paintings, our poetry, our music, our plays, and in anything else that is conceivable. But still, we as a whole still struggle with the idea of suffering. It is my opinion that some individuals may grasp the notion of suffering more than others, but that no one person will ever fully understand suffering in every form. A person may only understand his or her own personal suffering, not suffering as a whole. It is the next step to then say that "understanding comes through suffering," which I also believe to be true. It is impossible to fully know what the suffering of a person is like, unless you have experienced the same thing in his own shoes.

Death is the reward of Life Life is considered, by some, to be a journey towards death and the great reward of afterlife. This traveling process is held in many different views and is expressed in numerous manners in literature.

In these works it is very easy to see that they experience great misery, but it is impossible to understand their suffering. Their suffering can only be identified, and compared to an individual's own suffering. One must experience suffering in order to fully understand what it was like. It is entirely a personal experience. It is for this reason that understanding comes through suffering.

Suffering is one of the things that make us human, it is what lets us enjoy the good times and thank God for them. Because it is though suffering and trials of life that ...

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... try to do the right thing. Where Antigone gets in trouble is when she questions God, because she expected God to role out the red carpet for her because she did what was right in God's eyes. The thing we for get is that God isn't about to be judged by men it is always the other way around. The dog doesn't judge its master we don't judge ours. God is a being above everything he created us and allowed us to see evil and experience suffering as a gift. So we could better understand love and happiness. We are not able to question God on this one because he is omnipotent; he knows what is best for us. This is where faith becomes so important we must trust God for everything. Antigone had faith in the gods and trusted them to take care of her situation. We will suffer if we walk the path the Christ takes us down but we will also experience, the greatest joy known to man.

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