My Opinion on Suffering

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My Opinion on Suffering

When there is suffering taking place in the world, we do find it hard

to believe in God, because after all if God had produced all his

amazing, talented creatures, then why would he let disasters happen

such as people suffering in the world or people killing one another.

We tend to blame God for this reason, but I have a different

assumption. People as well as me believe that God doesn't stop the

suffering, but he helps us face that suffering even by telling him in

our prayers we feel relieved that we can get it off our chests. If we

know we can put our trust in him completely for e.g. example when

someone very close to us dies, our parents, or a sibling, we turn to

God to help us get through these terrible times. We all have to try to

make the world a better place like God wants us to and prove that we

love him e.g. if someone hit you in the playground by accident but you

thought it was purposely done so you hit them back you could have

found another solution such as walking away like Jesus had asked us to

do. If everybody was prepared to just sit down and talk about their

differences and not put themselves first, there wouldn't be any

fighting all the time. The world would be a much more peaceful place

without any suffering or hate, and God would be very pleased with us.

My opinion is that Suffering hasn't actually got anything to do with

God, it is us who take responsibility for our actions. After all if

you think logically, flooding is caused by people being stupid or

selfish, stripping vast areas of forests, so that tree roots don't

soak up excess water. Starving is another example of selfishness and

greediness, because there's enough food for everyone on this planet;

but because some people have more than they need, millions of others

go hungry. People fighting over territory or principals or race or

wealth is due to people being greedy or jealous of others.

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