Unclear-Personal Narrative

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Standing between the black satin curtains looking across the black stage, stained with glitter and shoe scuffs. Glaring at another teammate, almost indistinguishable in our crisp, tan shoes and, flashy costumes, as we are ready to compete. My hair pulled up tightly into a sleek bun, as firm because of the layers of hair gel, hairspray and glitter. A shimmery barrette clipped next to my bun and securely fastened. Wearing tacky blue eyeshadow, bright rosy blush, extra-long fake eyelashes with diamonds, and smooth color stay lipstick across my lips. I stand with a big bright smile on my face trying to disguise or maybe even forget the nervousness I feel inside. My stomach is jumping around in every direction possible and I feel like I could pass out at any second. I run my deep scared eyes past the hundreds of anxious spectators and envy the calm, relaxed teams to the sides of me, knowing that they are all secretly hoping we have a horrible performance. Suddenly, it's as if the already blinding lights are beating down on me and the temperature raises twenty degrees. My palms begin to sweat, and the butterflies inside speed up. Unclear sounds surround me, but I cannot obtain any of this, my mind is a black hole. The mysteriously stern looks of the judges, sitting in a neat row without even the slightest upward crack of a smile in the corner, …show more content…

My jaw begins to tighten from smiling and shaking with anxiety. I run through the routine once more in my head and pinpoint all of the little details I must remember. I take one more deep breath of the stuffy, bland air to fill my lungs with the oxygen I will need to complete the routine. I hear the announcer blast over the loudspeaker that my fellow teammates and I may take the stage. I glare over at my teammates a big flashy smile and begin to enter grandly onto the stage, taking my position before the routine

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