Uncle Sam Poster Analysis

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“Uncle Sam, wants you to join the US army”. Nearest recruiting station. This was a very famous poster that was created in the month of July 6 in the year 1916. James Flagg was the creator of this poster and the world recognized it as the most famous poster of the year, (Montgomery). The poster attracted the attention of very many people in the world. Moreover, the United States of America also ensured that they printed many papers concerning the post. This was when the United States of America was recruiting US citizens to enter into a war. The poster consisted of a picture of a person, Uncle Sam, who was pointing stating “I want you”. As a result, this became a very great hit and the United States decided to use it to persuade the people to …show more content…

Superb pathos are used in this case. In this poster, Uncle Sam is very effective in displaying emotions in this poster. Uncle Sam attracts great emotions due to the fact that he is pointing at someone and saying “I want you”. When he uses the word you, he is able to establish emotions to any person who sees this post. Additionally, the use the flag is very effective since it ensures that it specifies on the audience being addressed. In this case, the audience is anyone in the United States of America. The poster was effective since it affected individuals. In the poster there is a person who is called Uncle Sam looking like an American flag, and ordering you to join the army. This can be seen through his facial expression and the fact that he is pointing. The colors are also effective since in the United States, they mean pride and …show more content…

In this case, it is very clear that all the Americans get the sense of pride once they see the colors of their flag (Suen and Skeens 3). Additionally, they believe that it united them always. Consequently, the poster combined these two and made it very easy to convince the people to join in making America what they wanted during the world war. Additionally, it also made them appreciate themselves. The poster commanded the citizens to join the war by writing the words “I want you” in capitalized words and in red color with a frame of blue and red just like the American flag (Cao 7). The name “I want you” was also very emotional since it made the individuals rethink of how their country needs them at that particular time, and their efforts would be greatly appreciated.

Uncle Sam poster is published for US citizens to join the army. At first, the poster was not used by the government until it saw that the poster would be very helpful in assisting convince the citizens to fight for their country. Other individuals also felt that they. The purpose of Uncle Sam’s poster is while the war is getting closer, the poster was published to encourage US citizens to join the army (Loc.gov 2). Fortunately, this became a reality since it was able to convince the people to join the army and fight in the world war to save their

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