Typhus's Disease In The New World

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Introduction When explorers started exploring the New World they were excited and thrilled to start their new life and a new beginning. People started traveling to come to the new world and leave the old world behind them. Little did travelers know, however, when they arrived in the New World they brought the diseases from the old world they were exposed to in the Old World with them. Smallpox, typhus, cholera, and the measles were only the main ones that people brought with them. Nobody knew how to cure them, what caused it, and there was no way to get vaccinations or medicine for them like there is today. When people caught something they simply had to try to fight it off and most of the time it led to death unfortunately. The Indians relatively …show more content…

Typhus hit the European population during the Thirty Years war and came to the New World with explorers and soldiers. Typhus usually spread in crowded areas where people were living and where people were not showering often, so during war it often spreaded throughout the soldiers. Typhus was carried by louse and once the louse bit the human with a fever it would just start transporting louse into every person it could fine, so multiple soldiers would get bit by the louse and all come down with typhus around the same time. They would get a fever, start to have a headache and chills, and their body would come covered in red, scaly, dry and chapped rash. As their headache got worse, they would start to have seizures, some went into comas, and most of the time the soldiers who came down with it died. (Typhus) Typhus is treated with antibiotics such as Doxycycline, Tetracycine, and Chloramphenicol. Patients of age 60 or higher have the highest risk of death. Without treatment 10-60% of patients with epidemic typhus die. Less than 2% of untreated patients with murine typhus die. Antibiotics will nearly cure all patients. (Typhus …show more content…

It started from a virus and spread throughout the air from when people coughed, sneezed, and breathed. Once people got infected by the virus they would get a fever usually in about two weeks and start coughing, which was followed by a rash. When the rash occurred their fever would get worse. They had a sore throat, red eyes, a runny nose, a bad cough, ear infections would sometimes occur, and diarrhea would occur sometimes as well. Usually children got measles because people would become immune to the disease as they grew up. Eventually so many people were immune to it less cases occurred. However, it wasn’t until the vaccination was made when it was fully treatable. (Measles) Even when people receive the vaccination it is important to remember to get revaccinated. In Orange County, there has been 21 cases of the measles in the year of 2014. This is the reason why people need to remember to get revaccinated. The first vaccination should happen at 12 months and second vaccination should happen around five or six.

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