Two Highlights of the Greek Tragedian Era: Hamlet and Oedipus Rex

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The two writers in tragedy showed what many writers couldn’t throughout the Greek tragedian era. Sophocles, who wrote “Oedipus Rex”, portrayed Jocasta as a caring mother who soon turned into a wife of her own son, while Shakespeare, who wrote “Hamlet”, used the same Greek tragedian tools and portrayed Gertrude as a naïve mother who made one decision that separated her son, Hamlet, from her. Gertrude was similar to Jocasta in that both were naïve but protective of their own sons. However Jocasta was more aware of the actions she took, even after the prophecy was told.

Gertrude was similar to Jocasta, not only because they were mothers, but by the way Gertrude showed her love for Hamlet. Gertrude showed a sign of motherhood when she told Hamlet, “Let not thy mother lose her prayers, Hamlet. I pray thee stay with us, go not Wittenberg” (Shakespeare, Act 1, Scene 2, 787). This quote explained Gertrude’s anxiety about her son going off to Wittenberg for school. After Hamlet’s father death and Gertrude married Claudius, she wanted Hamlet to be around to make sure that he was dealing wit...

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