Interview of What it is Like Having a Twin Most people are fascinated when they see a set of twins. My twin and I are often asked the same question repeatedly, “Are you twins?”, “Are you really close?” and “Do your parents get you two mixed up?” I do not blame anyone for their interest. I understand why people wonder what it must be like to have a person who looks similar to them, shares the same birthday, and who has been there since birth. People are curious to whether we share the same likes and dislikes. There has been many people who have wanted to know if we can read each other’s mind. My twin sister and I have shared many exciting moments as twins and we both enjoy many different parts of it. There are definitely pros and cons to being …show more content…
My sister and I do look very similar, but people always seem to forget we are two different people. I would say yes we have very similar taste in things such as food, clothes, music and other interests, but we when it comes to our favorite things it is very different. There are two main types of twins, identical and fraternal. My sister and I would be fraternal twins, which means we come from two separate eggs. There have been many assumptions that twins can read each other’s minds. I do indeed wonder myself if this is true or not. There has been many times where my sister and I have said the same things out loud and it creeps everyone and ourselves out. We have experienced getting ready and when we both walked out the door wearing the same outfit and many times argued about who was changing. I do feel that we have some sort of twin telepathy because I can always tell when there is something wrong when I am not there with her or I know somehow where she is because I know her so well. My sister and I know each other like the back of our hand and sometimes it is scary being a twin because we both freak out when one of us walks by randomly at the store and we think we were looking in
Have you ever heard that twins could have completely different personalities, they could be friends, siblings, or possibly even enemies. Author Eric Wright creates a story about a writer who specializes in writing
Nature is the inherent features of something. Genetics also is a big part of nature. Anais and Sam are identical twins. They were separated at birth and adopted by different parents. Although they did not grow up together they had come to know that they have a lot of similarities. These girls have the same laugh, it sounds the exact same. Anais and Sam both do not like when the shower curtain touches them, and they even have the same favorite drink. Twins have very special bonds that include having very familiar likings and dislikings. They also have most of the same habits and interests. A big thing that is common among twins is that they end up getting the same IQ results and test scores. Some scientist had even shown that twins are more
It is true that identical twins have many similarities, but people tend to ignore their differences. The Jim twins, for example, may
Currently, there is not a uniform ruling in the United States. Certain schools are case by case while others enforce separating twin siblings. To help twin siblings succeed, there should be a uniform consensus so the child can go through school with the same rules. My twin sister and I were separated in elementary school and then pu...
As read in many different articles and the comments after the articles, people either are confused and name them unknown, or they call them two people with one body. The question to if they are punished the same seems to go on a mystery, but as their mother,Patty, states that they are two different people and wants them to be treated as two different people. This gives the assumption that in their household that they are both punished differently, but it is not certain. There is no other evidence that has been found of how they would be punished if they were to get in trouble. But each twin seems to want to be known as an individual rather than one, they both want their own driver's license even if they both are in the picture. However, along with moral responsibility one is in control of one side of the body as the other is in control of the other side; Abby is in control of the right side and Brittany controls the left side. They can’t sense each other's side, each side is similar to a body of its own. They are able to make their own decisions and plans, as said in the video. But most of the time they come to a compromise of what to do and how to go about things in the future. They each say that they are very opposite of each other as Abby likes pink and is more into girly and preppy things and Brittany likes the
Dr. Eileen Pearlman says that “The separation and individuation process begins early in life, and for some twins it takes longer than others as not only do twins need to learn to separate and individuate from their mothers but they also have to learn to separate and individuate from each other.” The constant comparison from individuals looking into their life can make this harder for twins. People need to understand that with being a twin there are advantages but also disadvantages. People and even family members of twins can fail to realize this. The figment of people's imagination is that twins get along, have similar tastes, and are the exactly alike, almost the same
There is something a part of me that will always make me unique. This is something that I will always have to live with until the day I die and is a huge part of my identity. That of course, is me being a triplet. Like any other sibling relationship, there are times where we could not imagine life without each other, and other times where we just want to tear each other to apart. To me, it seems like a typical sibling relationship. For the longest time, I never understood how people could describe our seemingly trivial sibling bond as “unique” or “special”. It always baffled me when I would meet someone for the first time and one of the first things they would say is, “Wow you are so lucky to be a triplet! What’s it like?” and of course, I would smile and say, “Like any other sibling relationship”. To others, the thought of being a triplet can be exciting and intriguing, but for most of my life, I thought of being a triplet as nothing out of the ordinary. It can without a doubt be tough at times, but as the years go by, I am starting to realize how being a triplet does in fact make be special and how grateful I am to have my siblings in my life.
I have found that people have expectations of twins. The most common assumptions are that just because we look alike, my sister and I must have the same personality, dress the same all the time, like the same things, have the same friends, and g...
We had many common things. We both were born and brought up in the same city in the big house with siblings. Both being youngest were very pampered. And we were the most liked person in our family too. We both are very close to our family and are still in touch with our immediate relatives. Although we grew up in different era, we both were brought up with similar set of traditional
In many ways my sister and I are not alike but at the same time we also are. I chose to compare myself to my sister because I have known, grown up and made many memories with her. We have also had our fair share of fights so I somewhat know what we have in common.
Growing up my mother and grandma loved to dress use up. They used to always dress up my sister and I the same way. Every day felt like a photo shoot. Which is typical for most twins that are born because it’s cute. Briana and I were born on April 1, 1999, at Valhalla, Westchester NY at Westchester Medical center. We are fraternal twins even though we look like identical twins. We were supposed to be born in March but instead, we came early in April. So, when Briana and I were born
I had one friend who was extremely close to her two sisters. They were all alike - fierce, strong, gorgeous, and confident. They lifted each other up and had each other 's backs. For a while, I wondered if I had missed out on something.
My brother and I really don’t have a lot in common. A lot of people really like to think that we could be twins, not that I can I agree with that statement in the slightest. My mom would say we have polar opposite
A controversial topic that has stumped everyone to have a certain opinion on is whether it is a good or bad idea to separate twins or triplets apart to see how they live life. Most people feel neutral when it comes to this topic because there are some things that are interesting to test out on twins or triplets, however, it’s also has its cons that includes that the children shouldn’t be separated from each other, it’s not fair to the adoptive parents to not know what’s going on, and many other reasons.
It is true that identical twins who are raised together have many things in common,