Tuck Everlasting Analysis

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Tuck Everlasting is a novel by Natalie Babbitt. In the first eight chapters we find out that there is a secret spring that has the power of turning a human into an immortal. The Tuck family each had a drink from the spring and now they will live forever. The Tuck’s share this secret with young Winnie Foster when Winnie is asking why she can’t drink the springs water. May Tuck tells Winnie that this is “a big dangerous secret” that she has to keep hidden. The events that would follow this secret getting out would be absolutely horrible. Therefore, I agree with May Tuck’s statement about this being “a big, dangerous secret”. First of all, I agree with May Tuck based on what would happen if the secret was revealed to the public. If the dangerous secret of the immortality granting spring was revealed, I think that one of the following things would happen. The spring may be drained and kept hidden from the public, or sold for a lot of …show more content…

If there are too many immortals the population will be growing, but no one will be dying. That will lead to overpopulation, which can mean there won't be enough food, water, or jobs for everyone. Also, a society where everyone can get access to such a dangerous and powerful liquid could become extremely dangerous. You never know who may be around using this immortality granting water for evil. The man in the yellow suit overheard the secret and I think he might be one of those people. That’s only one bad person imagine if every villain knew this secret. A person could be pressured or tricked into drinking the water or even forced to drink it. Plus, you have to be careful when you are drinking anything. Someone could have replaced your drink or poured something into it. When I think about this, I am reminded of books, movie’s, and even real life (for some people), where you can’t trust anybody with

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