Trouble Holding A Job Anxiety Essay

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While it is true that all people experience anxiety at some point in their life, it isn't even close to what someone with a General Anxiety Disorder (GAD) goes through. This disorder causes ongoing anxiety that never shuts down. Day and night, the person who is affected by it suffers from a wide array of symptoms. They can't concentrate because their mind races. They can't get a good night's sleep. And their relationships suffer because most people don't understand what they are going through. All of these symptoms have a huge impact on a person's life.

Trouble Holding a Job

Bosses expect employees to be productive. But people with anxiety can't think about anything but their worries. They expect the worst outcome, so they have trouble staying positive. Any type of stress gets compounded until they are hiding in the corner of the office waiting for everything to crumble. On top of this, the way that they struggle with concentrating causes them to miss important deadlines and forget about meetings that they need to attend. And since most people with this disorder try to hide it from everyone, they rarely tell anyone who they are working with what is going on and why they are acting this way. So many people suffering from chronic anxiety either quit their job to avoid the pressure, or they get fired from the lack of productivity. …show more content…

They might offer suggestions about what helped them through their own anxiety or try to tell them to snap out of it. But this doesn't work, so over time, they slowly pull away because they don't know what to do. People with this disorder naturally isolate themselves to avoid anything that might cause them further worry too. So in the end, they have no one to help them get through their struggles. The longer that they stay isolated, the more anxious that they become.


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