Trends in African American Families

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Research studies have shown that African Americans are currently the least likely ethnic group to be married in this country. This paper will examine some of the reasons why this trend exists when there was a time when marriage rates among blacks were about equal to those of whites. History, culture, economics and dominant culture influences have impacted the current trends in African American families. Many are choosing to postpone marriage, while others are finding alternative ways to cultivate family and raise children. Does the African American definition of family differ from that of the dominant culture? How has ecological systems influenced past and present trends in African American families? These questions and more are examined in this paper. According to the article African American Marriage Patterns, The most broadly accepted explanations for marital breakdown are essentially race-blind: greater acceptance of nonmarital sex and unwed parenthood so that young people feel less need to marry, widespread affluence so that it is easier to leave an unhappy marriage, less emotional and economic gain from marriage so that there is less reason to get married, and welfare’s marriage penalties that discourage low-income couples from marrying. (Besharov & West) With these issues affecting American families on a broad perspective the question rises, why are African American families more greatly affected? The history of the African American culture shows a culture that values family, children and marriage. These values were confused and stripped when blacks from Africa and the Caribbean where brought to America to perform as slaves. While on plantations under harsh treatment, husbands, wives and children were torn apart and sold t... ... middle of paper ... ... Pearson Education. Gerstel, N. (2011). Rethinking Families and Community: The Color, Class, and Centrality of Extended Kin Ties. Sociological Forum, 26(1), 1. doi:10.1111/j.1573-7861.2010.01222.x Marks, L., Tanner, K., Nesteruk, O., Chaney, C., & Baumgartner, J. (2012). A qualitative exploration of why faith matters in African American marriages and families. Journal Of Comparative Family Studies, (5), 695. Murray, M. (2013). BLACK MARRIAGE, WHITE PEOPLE, RED HERRINGS: Is Marriage for White People? How the African American Marriage Decline Affects Everyone. Michigan Law Review, 111977. Perry, A. (2013). African American Men’s Attitudes Toward Marriage. Journal Of Black Studies, 44(2), 182. doi:10.1177/0021934712472506 Revell, M. A., & McGhee, M. N. (2012). Evolution of the African American Family. International Journal Of Childbirth Education, 27(4), 44-48.

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