Treatments For Autism

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Treatment Options Used for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is known as a neurodevelopmental disorder that is capable of weakening communication, behavior and socialization. Certain types of autism might not be identified until three years of life and it happens more frequently in boys compared to girls. Autism is not curable but it can be controlled using certain type of treatments as there is no specific treatment for autism. The question arises for these articles are if the treatment used was effective? There are many types of treatments that are able to control autism and the types of treatments used in these articles were behavioral involvement which is learning system based on interference approach. This will help to lessen and uphold the target’s behavior. Complementary and alternative medicine and special diets are treatments used in autism as CAM and special diets will be able to maintain autism. Communication interventions are very useful for autism and one of the main communication treatments is speech therapy. It maintains the expressive and receptive communication of children mainly it maintains the expression and enhances symbol learning. Educational therapy plays a role in treating children with autism as it supports children through the condition of visual details.

Many treatments have been suggested to parents for children with autism. An Internet survey was carried out and allocated to parents in order to classify the treatments applied by parents of children with autism. Almost all 108 of the 111 treatments recorded in the survey were used by at least one parent. An overall of 764 surveys were presented to the website throughout the 3-month data gathering tim...

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... were CAM. Studies of individual aged 0 to 22 years old were included in this study and pharmacological and CAM treatments were included. It is shown that the intensity of the study was different from the involvement of the groups. Even though some of the interference were “effective’ but greater part was ‘ineffective’. Based on several review studies, not many medications have significant proof for their use and non-use. The choices for medical organization of complete reviews are reducing in autism, mainly reviews regarding pharmacological and CAM treatments. Moreover, certain reviews were most likely to highlight the common consequences of medication which aims a certain type of symptoms throughout the treatment. As a consequence, when selecting interference, it should be surrounded by the circumstance of the practice and escorted by the use of treatment plans.

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