Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye

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Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye

When I was younger, I loved to watch cartoons. Although I watched many cartoons, there was one cartoon in particular that caught my attention the most.
This cartoon was a science fiction story about robotic lifeforms called The
At that time, The Transformers was the most exciting and important thing in my life. It came on everyday, and I tried not to ever miss an episode. If I knew I would miss an episode, I made sure I had someone record it for me so I could watch it later. I even recorded many shows just to be able to watch them over and over again.
One day when I was away somewhere, I had my mother record it for me.
After returning home, I immediately began to view the tape only to find out that the tape ran out about half way though the show. I remember I was so incredibly angry over not being able to completely watch the episode, that I threw a childish tantrum by crying and yelling at my poor mother.
I later began buying The Transformers action figures; which were developed by Hasbro from the television series. Over the years, I accumulated a collection of about thirty different characters; which I still have stored in my room. I don't think I could ever get rid of them. Also, each Transformer came with a stat card on the back of the box he was sold in that described his various skills and attributes. I used to always cut these stat cards from the back of the boxes, and tape them onto large sheets; which I hung on my bedroom wall. Along with the action figures, I also had Transformer books and
Transformer bedsheets. I couldn't get enough of the Transformers. I saw about every episode, and I knew about everything there was to know about them.
The Transformers were intelligent robots with the ability to transform from a robot shape to some other shape. The very first Transformers were the
Autobots and the Decepticons. The Autobots, who transformed into cars, were the heroes, while the Decepticons, who transformed into jets, were the villains.
The two groups originated over a millennia ago. A race called the
Quintessons were the heads of a huge galactic corporation. They built the planet of Cybertron into a huge factory in which to build robotic slaves. They created two basic models: household and entertainment robots, and warrior robots.
Whenever one to the slaves began to show signs of intelligence, the Quintessons destroyed them to be used as materials for new robots being created.

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