Carrie's Revenge in Steven King's Carrie

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Carrie's Revenge in Steven King's Carrie

The novel Carrie is about the chilling story of a girl and her power.

Carrie White possessed a phenomenon, known as telekinesis, the

movement of objects by scientifically inexplicable means, as by the exercise

of an occult power. Carrie begins flexing her phenomenon and unleashes

her frightening power upon a small new England town for revenge.

The novel Carrie; by Steven King Starts off with old news reports

stating how stones fell principally on the home of Mrs. Margaret White who

lives with her 3 year old daughter, Carietta. The novel jumps around to the

past, present, and future. Trying to let the reader get the full

comprehension of Carrie White, and her gift of telekinesis.

Carrie is portrayed through out the book as an outsider. Someone

who looks in from the outside. Trying to fit in with her class mates at

school. Carrie the one who never laughed at jokes but was the joke.

To her mom Margaret, everything was sinful and of the devil. It was

always same routine; come home eat sew and get pushed into her prayer

closet which was the size of 3ft x 3 ft. If she even gave a simple opinion.

From this to the kids at school Carrie was overwhelmed caring

burdens no child should carry. So she began flexing her power making it

grows stronger. Starting with small things like marbles dancing in air

looking and unlocking doors, ash trays throw into the air, overheads lights


These were minor things that would climax to bigger & better things

for Carrie. Chris Hargensen was the popular one who would start things up

that would wined up to wondering Carrie. Chris is was the one who started

throwing tampons and pads at Carrie in the shower. Carrie had started her

period and was so naive and innocent she though she was bleeding to

death. The lack that her mom did not tell her such things that happen

when you become a women.

Chris was barred to go to the prom which left Chris vowing for

vengeance. Chris’ friend Sue felt sorry for participating in such a cruel act

to another student that she asked her boyfriend Tommy to take Carrie to

the prom. So she could at least fit in.

This would be the perfect revenge for Chris. So she made

arrangements with her bad boyfriend Bill Nolan to take the pigs blood in

buckets and set it up above where the King and Queen would stand to get

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