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Leadership in the hospital setting
Leadership strategies in nursing
Leadership strategies in nursing
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Recommended: Leadership in the hospital setting
The skills and knowledge required to motivate staff nurses were the topics of a study authored by Henderson, Schoonbeek, and Auditore (2013). The authors described the lack of team unity and poor communication found among the staff at a local acute care facility which ultimately lead to poor job satisfaction and less than optimal patient care (Henderson et al., 2013). To change the status quo Henderson et al (2013) focused on using transformational leadership skills such as identifying a common vision, empowering and inspiring the team to own the decision making process and evaluating the efforts and progress made to engage and motivate the staff. In the end, the authors suggested that staff work practices can be modified and improved when leaders model the preferred behaviors. Similarly, the topic of applying transformational leadership skills to motivate nurses to improve the status quo was described in an article by O. Doody and C. M. Doody (2012). In this article the authors focused their attention on four components found within the transformational leadership skills: model the behaviors desired, motivate the staff to achieve their goals and objectives, challenge the way things are currently done, and empower the staff to take ownership in the unit (Doody & Doody, 2012). The belief that a truly great leader must …show more content…
The Manager at the time worked tirelessly to change these behaviors using some of the transformational leadership skills described above. She inspired and encouraged our team to put others above ourselves and modeled the behaviors in her everyday interactions with the staff and others. After six months of educating the staff and modeling the change expected, the survey results were back and both the employee engagement and quality indicator scores showed positive change; the result of an accomplished transformational
The concept of transformational leadership relies on appropriate leadership approaches for mission success. AFDD 1-1 describes three leadership competencies: person, people/team, organization Effective leaders (tactical level) need to build face-to-face and interpersonal relationships that directly influence behavior and values. Effective leaders (operational level) need to build team dynamics for small groups and squadrons. Effective leaders (strategic level) need to build strategy and provide direction in a broad spectrum.
Health care organizations and the way patient care is delivered is rapidly changing. The ability to manage, promote, and facilitate change is one of the most important skills that nursing leaders need to be successful. Influencing change requires effective communication skills, and the ability to help others see the vision (Curtis, De Vries, & Sheerin, 2011). Nursing leadership can no longer take a top down approach when leading change. During periods of organizational change there is great uncertainty. Nurse leaders are responsible for influencing change by creating an atmosphere where information is shared, there is a reshaping of ideas, and a vision is created (Samela, Eriksson, & Fagerstrom, 2011). Effective communication is an essential
The authors in this article aimed to discover nurse manager leadership styles and their outcomes. Nurses from hospitals in the Northeastern part of the United States were asked questions. The data was collected in a locked room, alone, so no one would influence the answers of someone else. The results were put into a software program and displayed for analysis. Results showed when choosing a nurse for a managerial leadership role, one should choose someone if they have the basic components of transformational leadership, not transactional leadership. The authors show that transformational leadership had revealed positive patient outcomes, retention, and satisfaction in the nursing staff. Those nurse leaders who have qualities of transformational leadership are encouraged to build on those skills constantly.
In healthcare it is very important to have strong leaders, especially in the nursing profession. A nurse leader typically uses several styles of leadership depending on the situation presented; this is known as situational leadership. It is important that the professional nurse choose the right style of leadership for any given situation to ensure their employees are performing at their highest potential. Depending on which leadership style a nurse leader uses, it can affect staff retention and the morale of the employees as well as nurse job satisfaction (Azaare & Gross, 2011.) “Nursing leaders have the responsibility to create and maintain a work environment which not only promotes positive patient outcomes but also positively influences teams and individual nurses” (Malloy & Penprase, 2010.) Let’s explore two different leadership styles and discuss how they can enhance or diminish the nursing process.
The article I chose to discuss for this week’s discussion is by Doody, C. & Doody, O. (2012). This article focuses on transformational leadership and its use in nursing/health care. This article draws attention to the many changes that have taken place in nursing/healthcare and how nursing theories and nursing frameworks must continue to evolve as changes are made. As nursing theories and nursing frameworks continue to advance and change, leadership styles must also continue to evolve as time progresses and as changes are made in the healthcare field. This article points out current healthcare issues and the need for strong leaders to overcome obstacles and challenges. Also, background information and a definition of transformational leadership
The most appropriate leadership style for Jenny’s situation is one that is fluid and ever changing based on the situation and/or needs of the individuals being lead. In path-goal theory, the intensity of interactions and the type of interactions are adjusted based on the goals of the outcome and the needs of the followers (Kelly, 2012). Because the skill level of nurses vary, the flow of the environment is disorganized, there are high turnover rates of staff, and the needs of the patients are complex it is best to implement actions based on the varying needs of the department and its nurses. Path-goal theory utilizes four leadership styles that are dependent on the needs of the follower in an attempt to build a cohesive team that are motivated by feeling they are capable of doing the work, knowing what they contribute to the organization will help to accomplish its goals, and by believing their efforts are appreciated and meaningful (Kelly,
Nurse’s can demonstrate leadership by facilitating outstanding care to patients and it is related to how one’s values and behavior affect others. A leader is all about with success and contribution and a successful leader set his/her standards, goals and strategies at high. One can become a leader by assigned or emerged but both will be working towards a common goal of good or bad. In leadership, positive attitude is the key to success and problems and challenge in healthcare industry demand that nurses seek and fill the gap.
Within the nursing environment one thing that is certain is the constant changes in policies and procedures. It is imperative for the nurses to receive a certain level of support from their nurse leaders (Mullarkey et al., 2011). Establishing and creating human relationships is key in a well-balanced nurse leader. The transformational nurse leader is a perfect example of trustworthiness. This leadership style brings her staff together to work as a team while keeping them on track to reach the finish line (Mullarkey et al., 2011). The transformational leader honors good relationships while leading by example (Mullarkey et al., 2011). This gives staff in any healthcare setting the opportunity to trust in their nurse manager and work as a well-rounded employee (Mullarkey et al., 2011).
Nurses are uniquely qualified to fill a demand for change through leadership. Unlike business minded individuals whose primary outcome concern is monetary, a nurses’ primary concern is organic: a living, breathing, tangible being. In a leadership role, a nurse might consider an organization as if it were a grouping of patients, or perhaps an individual patient, each limb with its own characteristics and distinct concerns. They can effectively categorize and prioritize important personal and professional matters and are therefore ideally positioned to lead change efforts. Perhaps most importantly, effective nurse leaders can provide clarity to the common goal and empower others to see their self-interests served by a better common good (Yancer, 2012).
From the two leadership styles the author experienced in practice, both have an impact on working place culture, patient safety and quality of care. Lassiafre approach to leading yielded poor quality of care, and a blame culture within the team. whilst the transformational leadership style by Nurse E had quality of care delivered to its patients and good team dynamics. However, this was not always consistent as the two leaders worked on different days which meant that when the transformational leader was not on her followers struggled to maintain their leaders vision and values as there was a conflict of styles which the other staff might have preferred. Bhandori et al argued that transformational leadership is more suited for healthcare setting,
For me as a newly qualified member of staff entering into an established team I found Anne’s high morals and consistency were the basis for her providing me with a positive role model. She believed best practice was the minimum and would always ensure every patient experienced the best care possible. IIies (et al.2012) believes that managers should be role models that their followers seek to emulate. A study by Hauck,Winsett and Kuric (2012) concluded that leadership can affect nurses ability to provide evidence based care. They advocate nursing leaders need to be role models and mentors to their staff. Dang and Poe (2010, cited in Poe and White, 2010, p.23-53) outline seven core nursing leadership competencies needed to successfully implement
Doody, O., & Doody, C. (2012). Transformational leadership in nursing practice. British Journal of Nursing, 21(20). Retrieved from http://web.b.ebscohost.com.proxy.library.ohiou.edu/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?sid=3655bc92-b9ec-4a08-84d8-f5d3098ddfdf%40sessionmgr120&vid=17&hid=116
The transformational leadership theory was deemed an appealing based on individual beliefs regarding employee-leader relationships. With a focus on communication and motivation, transformational leaders promote positive change within
Transformational leadership is one of the most popular leadership styles. According to Kendrick (2011), “Transformational leadership involves four factors: 1. idealized influence, 2. inspirational motivation, 3. intellectual stimulation, and 4. individual consideration.” These four factors make transformational leadership have an impact on followers. The goal of transformational leadership is to cause a positive change in individuals, help motivate them, and develop a leader within each individual.
This study aims to determine the impact of leadership styles on job satisfaction and job commitment. Leadership is an art of influencing thoughts and activities of followers for the achievement of established goals and standards. A good leader influences the followers in such a way that they put more effort for the accomplishment of organizational goals and objectives. The impact of transactional and transformational leadership styles on job satisfaction and job commitment of education sector of Pakistan is observed. The result of study has shown that both leadership styles have effect on job satisfaction and job commitment. Transactional and transformational leadership styles play a vital role in every organization with respect to job satisfaction and commitment. The study indicates that transactional and transformational leadership style intensifies job satisfaction and commitment. But in Pakistan context transformational leadership style has more influence on job satisfaction and job commitment. Employees would like to work with transformational leader as they know the leader is a source of motivation, inspiration and build confidence. Transformational leader inspires their follower because employees feel trust, loyalty, appreciation and respect. Employees put more energy and effort for the betterment of the organization. They work beyond the established standards by meeting all the organizational goals and objective. Transformational leader arouses the awareness in the employees and change the perspective of employees. Transformational leader build a sense of achievement and growth. Here are some recommendations on the behalf of my study for the leaders of education sector for the enhancement of job satisfaction...