Trampoline Research Paper

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Have you ever wanted wanted a new phone, or maybe a vacation? There are several privileges that people want, even if they don’t deserve them. Throughout the years I have always wanted a trampoline, as well as my brother. Trampolines are beneficial in many ways for all ages of children for several reasons. They give off exercise, and who wouldn’t want their kids to stay healthy. They come in all different shapes and sizes to fit any space. They’re also several different sales on trampolines always occurring. As a result, a trampoline would give our backyard a more kid-friendly environment. Trampolines are a great source of lower body exercise. A study from NASA found that a 150lb. A person jumping on a trampoline for an hour will burn as many calories as a person running for one hour. For instance, when you jump up and down on the trampoline you work your quads, calves, hamstrings, and much more. Whenever you’re bored you can go outside and jump on the trampoline, causing more happiness and creativity due to the outdoors, shows another study by NASA. Trampolines also increase Lymphatic Flow in The Body, releasing bad toxins. You are eligible to use the trampoline all 3 seasons, furthermore getting use out of the trampoline as much as possible, and staying healthy almost year long. …show more content…

There isn’t a whole lot of room in the backyard, but there are two good places that a trampoline would fit. If you wanted to put one by the hot tub, you would get a circular one, and with measurements you could find one with a good circumference to fit the square footage. You could also put on on top of the hill, and to fit that area, you would get more of a rectangular one. Since the sizes vary both sibling could fit with room still left. Since there would be room, no one would run into the nets and injure themselves. In fact, a trampoline could fit any space you wanted it to, if you find the right

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