Traditional Bullying Vs Cyberbullying

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There is a difference between traditional bullying and cyberbullying. Traditional bullying usually happens in public while cyberbullying could happen anywhere at any time. They have somethings in common, however, such as their effects. Victims can show depression, or they will not feel safe at school. For traditional bullying, most of the victims will report what happened to them, or they might have the courage to stand up against the bully. The victim might willingly go talk to his or her school counselor about the bully. Shockingly, the school does not focus much on cyberbullying. The victims of cyberbullying seem to suffer more than victims of traditional bullying at school. Some of the victims might show worsened health conditions. Some …show more content…

When it comes to technology, some students can go beyond on what teachers or counselors are cableable of. From Cyber Bullying: Protecting Kids and adults from Online Bullies, McQuade, Colt, and Meyer claimed, “[f]ew teachers and administrators are aware that students are harassed through electronic communication” (154). This proves that school is too focused on the traditional bullying when they do not have a clue what happening on the internet. Schools need to alter their program on how to deal with technologies properly. In other words, McQuade and his associates mentioned that “[s]chool should be tackling the issue of cyber bullying from frameworks that focus on prevention, intervention, and education” (157). This agrues that schools need to focus more on cyberbullying. This helps students learn more about technology, and teachers and counselors can help their students when cyberbullying happens. In Cyberbullying in the Global Playground: Research from International Perspectives, Li, Cross, and Smith express that “[s]chools need to promote the positive uses of technology for both educational purposes and social interaction…” (298). It means that schools should give advice to students on ways to deal with technology and their social media time. School need to help both students and parents when cyberbullying happens as well. Cyberbullying Bullying in the Digital Age explains that …show more content…

According to McQuade and his associates, there is a graph on how often parents supervise their child or children depending on what grade the child is in, and it shows that high school students are the one who are more unsupervised than others grades on internet (124). This means that parents may be unaware of what the kids are doing when the kids are not under adult supervision. Parents could help their child or children on how to deal with cyberbullying on the internet by “[t]eaching instance about Internet safety and information security” (McQuade et al, 127). This shows that there is more that children need to learn from their parents, and some parents might have a better understanding about the internet while also helping the children. In Cyberbullying Bullying in the Digital Age, Kowalski and her colleagues claimed that “[p]arents should teach their children to save any evidence of cyberbullying” (125). This shows that it would help the children report cyberbullying to their parents because it lets them know that their parents will support them. In other words, children do not have to be afraid to talk to their parents about what is going on with cyberbullying instead of keeping it to themselves. Li and her colleagues mentioned that “[f]amilies report needing help to support their child prevent or deal with cyberbullying…because the behavior

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