Tradition or Sexism?

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A tradition is a set of customs and beliefs that is passed down from generation to generation that is embedded in the culture of a society. Many people take a tradition as something that has “always been” and tend to not question why such traditions have been put in place, or even if such traditions are moral. Many times people do not take the time to really evaluate their reasoning for following such beliefs, or take the time to decide if their reasoning is even valid. The Muay Thai fighting culture of Thailand is one in which the morality of its “traditions” should be brought into question. Women fighters who participate in the culture of Muay Thai are seen as second-class when compared to the male fighters who participate.
In order to enter the ring, women must always pass underneath the ropes, whereas men are allowed to enter the ring by going over the top of the ropes. This rule is enacted because it is said that if a woman were to enter the ring in the same way men enter the ring, she would pollute the magic of the ring. It is said that a woman would pollute the ring because ...

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