Aiden Wilson Tozer was an evangelical pastor, speaker, author, as well as a spiritual mentor. The author is widely renowned as a deep theological thinker of the 20th century. He is known for his prayer and his witty truth while introducing others to God. While he did not have the formal education other leaders in the church had, he knew his calling at an early age where he accepted his first pastoral position at a church in Virginia. His journey with the Gospel led him into writing of many sermons as well as producing many works and one in particular that I am familiar with is his book, “The Pursuit of God” and “The Knowledge of the Holy.”1 A. W. Tozer spent his life as a preacher and as a pastor who orated the prophetic Word of Jesus Christ. Having had
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9., pg.70 stating, “I can safely say, on the authority of all that is revealed in the Word of God, that any man or woman on this earth who is bored and turned off by worship is not ready for heaven.” 10
I believe in Chapters four and five Tozer is expressing what all Christians need to comprehend; that God created His splendor with a conviction and purpose. Tozer advocates that the mystery of the incarnation for a true believer should require reflection on the “Word made Flesh..” Tozer continues to explain how the Christ’s resurrection provides correct doctrine, Tozer himself cannot get over these two words, “He came.” 11 Tozer points out that, “all the pity that God is capable of feeling, all the mercy that He is capable of showing and all the redeeming grace that He could pour out of His heart are suggested in these two simple words, “He Came.”12
For Tozer Christ is God shining through the personality of a man, and shining unhindered, His sacred humanity does not veil His divine beauty in any degree."
Some talked of God, of his mysterious ways, ...and of their future deliverance. But I had ceased to pray. How I sympathized with Job! I did not deny God’s existence, but I doubted His absolute justice. (42)
Apostle Paul said,” And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;” (Rom. 1:28 KJV).
Plantinga’s (2002) book Engaging God’s World consists of five parts: “Longing and Hope,” “Creation,” “The Fall,” “Redemption,” and “Vocation in the Kingdom of God.” Throughout the work, Plantinga references public speakers and activists, lyricists, philosophers, saints, and authors to help his audience connect to his perspective.
John MacArthur is a well-known and sometimes controversial pastor that holds a strong conservative viewpoint of the Scriptures. As a graduate of Talbot Theological Seminary, MacArthur’s ministry has covered a wide spectrum of Christian fields including pastor, author and radio host. MacArthur currently serves as the Pastor of Grace Community Church in Sunny Valley, California. For over 45 years his pastoral ministry at Grace Community Church has given evidence of a deep abiding love for the exposition of the Scriptures. Beyond his role as pastor, MacArthur serves as the president of the Master’s College and Seminary, which functions to train men to work in various areas of Christian ministry. As a successful author, MacArthur continues to write many books ranging from culturally and theological relevant issues to New Testament expositional commentaries and study guides. Macarthur also serves as the lead teacher of Grace to You, an everyday radio and television ministry, which centers on verse by verse exposition of Scripture. MacArthur is not known for shying away from controversial topics that Christianity struggles with. He seeks to use scripture to help modern Christians think through these topics.
Dr. Gregory Boyd is a professor of theology at Bethel College. He attended such universities as the University of Minnesota, Yale Divinity School, and Princeton Theological Seminary. As well as being a professor he is a preaching pastor at Woodland Hills Church in St. Paul, Minnesota, and has authored three books and several articles. This particular book is a dialogue between he and his father, Edward Boyd. Edward lives in Florida and worked for 35 years in sales management. He has six kids, 15 grandchildren, and nine great-grandchildren.
Who is God? Where does He come from? How did He obtain the abilities to create the world? These are a few questions that move through many, if not all, Christian minds. True believers have an understanding of scripture and therefore a basic understanding of God and creation. Taking into consideration that Tozer composed The Knowledge of the Holy in the twentieth century, his writing comes across more as an informative mystic. The best ways to express these ideas to a reader of the remarkable actions of God are through His scripture. Sadly, throughout his text, Tozer very rarely mentions actual scriptures from the Holy Bible, but when he does acknowledge the spiritual relationship that he has with God, it is delightfully overpowering. Nevertheless,
Litfin, B. M. (2007). Getting to Know the Church Fathers: An Evangelical Introduction. Grand Rapids, MI: Brazos Press.
We know that Christ is someone unique and distinct in many ways from every other man, especially in his incarnation. This word Incarnation basically means `made flesh'. This passage shows the unique and miraculous events which were involved in Christ's incarnation.
...s distributed in Theology 101 at the University of Notre Dame, Fremantle on 22 April 2008.
and John 10: 43-44. He tells them "… if one of you wants to be great
Kerr, H. (1990). Readings in christian thought (2nd ed.). H. T. Kerr (Ed.). Nashville: Abingdon Press.
The eternal and powerful Jesus Christ is described clearly and simply
BEHOLDING HIS GLORY (2Cor.3:18) But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit.
Worship is not only about music and singing. According to The Revell Bible Dictionary worship is defined as, “that attitude and those corporate and personal acts of reverence that are the appropriate response of human beings to God’s self revelation”. From this we can see that worship has a lot to do with one’s attitude. Your attitude is not something that you
It is impossible to not encounter Christ in one’s life, thus man is faced with the decision to accept or deny Christ. As human reason cannot ask “How?” when concerning Christ, as human reason does not have the capability in understanding anything that is beyond his own being, man is “strained to the limit by the question ‘Who?’” (49). Yet to ask “who” Christ is is a difficulty in itself. Christ, or the divine Logos, reveals himself to man and it is up to the man himself to answer his own question. Who Christ is is who he is to the individual. Yet if one desires to achieve an accurate identity of Christ, one must understand him. In order to understand him, one must “commit…to him in a stark ‘Either-Or’”: either Christ or the world (Bonhoeffer, 43). To commit to Christ is to allow him to take control. It is during this commitment that one learns of the “grace and love of God which [culminated] in the cross” (47). Yet what does it mean to follow Christ? Bonhoeffer stresses the importance of discipleship. Man cannot live by cheap grace, as it is the “grace we bestow on ourselves” (54), and his Christian faith will collapse. Real grace comes with a cost and that is a life to serve Chr...