Tourism And Rural Tourism

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b) Theoretical frame work:
Tourist arrivals in rural areas can create a flow of outside currency into a rural economy and therefore indirectly contribute to business development, household incomes and employment. There are hidden benefits from tourists known as multiplier effect. There are two critical areas of tourism which are directly linked to rural poverty. Firstly, tourism comes with labour –intensive and small scale opportunities and second it also values natural resources and cultural heritage, which are assets that normally belong o the poor( Luvanga & Shitundu 2003). International and domestic tourism have significant and positive role for regional economic growth ( Cortes , 2008) Tourism contributes significantly to the improvements …show more content…

( Delotte and Touche, ODI 1999, Ashley,Roe and Goodwin 2001, WTO/OMT 2002) As shown Below:
 Toursim has considerable potential for linkage with other economic sectors- particularly agriculture and fisheries. Realising this linkage will increase the proportion of tourism revenue retained in the host country.
 Demand for tourism may add sufficiently to another sector’s demand for the combination to provide a basis for introducing local provision of goods or services e.g, transport
 Tourism provide opportunities for off farm diversification. Tourists are often attracted to remote areas with few other development options because of their high cultural, wildlife, and landscape value.
 Tourism provide relatively labor intensive opportunities .
 Tourism employs a relatively high proportion of women and can contribute to generate equality.
 Tourism product can be built on natural resources and culture , which are assets that some of the poor have.
 The infrastructure associated with tourism development ( road,electricity, communication ) can provide essential services for rural communities which would otherwise be excluded from general infrastructure

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