b) Theoretical frame work:
Tourist arrivals in rural areas can create a flow of outside currency into a rural economy and therefore indirectly contribute to business development, household incomes and employment. There are hidden benefits from tourists known as multiplier effect. There are two critical areas of tourism which are directly linked to rural poverty. Firstly, tourism comes with labour –intensive and small scale opportunities and second it also values natural resources and cultural heritage, which are assets that normally belong o the poor( Luvanga & Shitundu 2003). International and domestic tourism have significant and positive role for regional economic growth ( Cortes , 2008) Tourism contributes significantly to the improvements
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( Delotte and Touche, ODI 1999, Ashley,Roe and Goodwin 2001, WTO/OMT 2002) As shown Below:
Toursim has considerable potential for linkage with other economic sectors- particularly agriculture and fisheries. Realising this linkage will increase the proportion of tourism revenue retained in the host country.
Demand for tourism may add sufficiently to another sector’s demand for the combination to provide a basis for introducing local provision of goods or services e.g, transport
Tourism provide opportunities for off farm diversification. Tourists are often attracted to remote areas with few other development options because of their high cultural, wildlife, and landscape value.
Tourism provide relatively labor intensive opportunities .
Tourism employs a relatively high proportion of women and can contribute to generate equality.
Tourism product can be built on natural resources and culture , which are assets that some of the poor have.
The infrastructure associated with tourism development ( road,electricity, communication ) can provide essential services for rural communities which would otherwise be excluded from general infrastructure
Tourism is a force to be reckoned with, especially in the case of Dry Tortugas National
Contribution of Countryside Tourism to the UK Travel and Tourism Industry Across the UK there are 4 main categories of tourist and visitor attractions. These categories are: · Large City/Large Town, · Seaside, · Countryside/Village, · Small Town. The table above shows that; domestic trips to the countryside area, has now gone into second place out of the 4 categories of tourist and visitor attractions.
For the introduction, brief information regarding my purchase and the travel and tourism industry is presented. It was then followed by the explanation of the 2 chosen theories from two different chapters.
Sharpley, R., and Telfer, D. J., 2002. Tourism and Development Concepts and Issues. Bristol: Channel View Publications.
The efforts for providing assistance to tourism infrastructure in rural areas including capacity building of rural inhabitants to ensure development of rural tourism products, which fall on the way to well-known tourist circuits in the country is being continued. As a responsible tourism initiative, 168 rural sites are being developed as rural tourism products.
Tourism is often associated with traveling to places away from home. Tourism has a big impact on the economic growth of some countries, which define the shape of their cities by producing different sectors like historic districts, convention centers, museums, malls, hotels, restaurants, and the list can be endless. Furthermore, tourism elements have been developed by cities for a variety of reasons including: situating themselves in the world by drawing a positive image and attracting visitors and for their money.
“Tourism sector plays key role in economic development.” Economics. Radio the Voice of Vietnam. 2004
The economy can be clearly identified as the most beneficial aspect of tourism. “According to recent statistics, tourism provides about 10% of the world’s income and employs almost one tenth of the world’s workforce” (Mirbabayev, 2007). In Australia alone, Tourism contributed $87.3 billion in 2012, and employed 908,434 (7.9%) people (Kookana & Duc Pham, 2013). Tourism is “one of the most profitable and rapidly developing industries in the world” (Popushoi, 2004). Every year the number of tourists increase dramatically and consequently the revenues from tourism will increase substantially.
For the past few decades other forms of tourism, also known as niche tourism, have been becoming more popular, particularly:
Tourism is the one of economic and social activities that increasingly vital. Number of travellers domestic and international is increasing. In fact, several countries in present world develop tourism sectors as primary sector which generate national income. According to Salah Wahab and Cooper (2003). Tourism is also sector which involves role that mutually link between government, private sector and also public.
Nowadays in the rea of globalization, according to the World Tourism Organization, “seven hundred million people travelled abroad in 2003”, and the number is estimated to increase to 1.6 billion by 2020. (International Labour Organization, 2005). Tourism is spreading in unusual places. A lot of people want to be in the midst of adventure. It is a vital source of revenues for the GDP of many countries. I partially agree that tourism hugely benefits the local community. This essay will discuss some of the economic, social and environment effect of tourism on the host community.
Many investments for infrastructure construction in the destination primarily designed for the business tourists (hotels, restaurants, transportation…) provide economic profits, and they can also be enjoyed by local residents and leisure tourists.
It is a well-noted fact that tourists from the developed world, or rich western nations, are in favour of visiting unspoilt natural environments and places steeped in tradition. However, Lea (1988) regards such attractions as being a sign of underdevelopment and rarely tolerated by the host nations just because they meet with foreign approval of visitors. Instead, it is the priority of the respective governments to raise living standards to acceptable levels, which means modernisation and the implementation of various infrastructures. Nevertheless, if administered effectively mass tourism could provide a form of sustainable development by meeting the needs of the present without compromising those of the future.
At the present time, one of the inseparable parts of the economic growth is considered as tourism industry. Commonly, tourism is the movement of people to other places for business or leisure purposes as well as covers their activities. Holloway and Humphreys defines that the places where tourists come and spend their money are called as “tourist destinations” in other words “receiving areas”. Many countries have been improving tourism to overcome economic difficulties since it is growing fast. The industry activities have been demonstrated a general positive trend in the economy and it has already become the inherent part of economic development. In host countries, tourism has led to such positive consequences as the improved infrastructure,
Tourism's economic benefits are advertised by the industry for a sum of reasons. The idea of tourism's economic significance gives the industry a much greater respect among the business municipal, public officials, and the public in general. This often translates into decisions to tourism.