Too blessed to be stressed

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The date was the 18th of April 2030 when Anne woke up to face her annual grief, the grief of remembering her dear friend Tom. Tom Jonas had passed away 10 years prior to this day and all he shared with his family and friends was now nothing but just a distant memory, except for Anne though. The two shared a childhood together and had developed a deep calm bond, characteristic of the saying that calm waters run deep. Anne and Tom were only teenagers when Tom left with no return due to a plane crash, and every year Anne had to face the great love she had for Tom. The hardest part to bear was that she had to face the reality of lone love, the emptiness within her soul and not being able to really love someone else as much as she loved Tom. She woke up in tears and dressed up in her black number that was not too revealing her lips masked by red lipstick. All this was in preparation to go to the cemetery to pay her respects to the best love she never had.
Since Tom was from a prominent and wealthy family, Anne was welcomed by a fleet of an automated motorcade which would escort her to the Saint Faith Cemetery which was located on the outskirts of Waterfalls in Chivhu. On her way there she constantly had remembrances of her past with Tom. She remembered when they once conversed about starting a family and having 5 children constituting a big happy family. She also remembered how they discussed their future prospects with Anne having an interest in journalism yet Tom had a great affection for Science and Robotics. Anne had become a profoundly successful journalist for the Chivhu Times paper, acquiring her degree qualifications from Chivhu University. Her controversial views on Robots shot her to fame as she opposed the development of ro...

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... new life was now founded on the three laws of robotics in which one of the laws prevented him from hurting Anne. He grew to understand that informing Anne of his new life would destroy her emotionally. However, he also developed emotions thus he forced himself to go against one of the laws in a mission to recover his love for Anne. Anne could not bring herself to believing all this and it changed the complexion of robots to her completely. She wanted to escape from this ordeal but came to realise that Tom sacrificed his principles of robotics just to fulfil his love for her. This sparked even more love in Anne as she slowly drove herself back into the arms of Tom again. Meanwhile the two other robots looked in amazement and could not get themselves to keep up with what was happening for they were ordinary robots with microprocessors rather than positronic brains.

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