Issac Asimov's I, Robot

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Issac Asimov's I, Robot

Asimov’s robots can be described as clumsy, hard-working, cost-efficient, soulless, strong, fast, obedient, human-made, a cleaner better breed, more human than man.

Robots can be caring, gentle, self-aware, creative, intelligent and also evil, rebellious.

Robots are made out of metal, plastic, aluminum, gears, bolts, wheels, sensors, memory chips, and other gadgets.


Asimov’s book “I, Robot” is full of exciting short stories about human-robot relations. But the one story that really touched me was the first of the nine: Robbie. I have read this and many other Asimov books throughout the years. Not all of them but most of them. Besides the “Foundation” series,” I, Robot” kept me reading it while sitting at the end of my chair. This book was the first Asimov book I read and it still is my favorite.

Robbie is a heartwarming story about a young girl named Gloria who has a pet robot named Robbie. Robbie was created as a nursemaid robot by U.S.R (United States Robotics). Robbie was Gloria’s best friend and companion. They had an innocent and sweet relationship. Robbie was her guardian and sort of a pet. Besides Robbie, Gloria didn’t have any real friends and that started to worry her parents, especially her mother. Her mother didn’t approve of her pet friend saying that he can be dangerous and that a terrible accident may happen. But what I think is that because they are a wealthy family and considered high class, she was also concerned about what the people in the neighborhood say. As time passed, Mrs. Weston convinced Mr. Weston to get rid of the robot and replace him with...

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...humanity from enslavement.

While the movie is more action based, Asimov’s books are focused on human-robot relations. In a lot of Asimov’s robot stories, rarely any robot breaks the three laws. The biggest connection between the movie and the books are the leading characters like Dr. Susan Calvin and Dr. Alfred Lanning. The “I, Robot” book is a complete history of robots told through Dr. Calvin’s eyes and the movie is just a part of this huge history. Although the plot of the movie isn’t a part of the book, it surly speaks the words and ideas of Isaac Asimov and I think that if he were alive, he would very much appreciate the movie and his acknowledgment and respect in the world of robotics.

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