Number The Stars Annemarie Character Analysis

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Number the Stars Throughout the book-Number the Stars- AnneMarie, a 10 year old girl, was told some lies that would keep her safe. Each lie that she was told, effected her life in the story, her relationship to the adults in her life, and on her journey from girlhood to womanhood. In this story, the lies that AnneMarie was told effected her life. AnneMarie’s life before the lies was hard/joyful, but after the lies, she realized that they were to keep her safe. One of the lies that was told to AnneMarie was the lie about the death of Aunt Birte. When Annemarie asked Uncle Henrik about her, she became furious because he lied to her. Although later, Uncle Henrik explained, “It is much easier to be brave if you don’t know everything. And so your mama doesn’t know everything. Neither do I. We only know what we need to know.” (p. 65) The lie about Aunt Birte even affected her relationship to the adults in her life. Annemarie was losing her trust in the adults, but was also …show more content…

“It is he who heals the broken in spirit/and binds up their wounds,/ he who numbers the stars one by one…” - Peter Neilson. (p.74) "Now I think that all of Denmark must be bodyguard for the Jews.” -Annemarie. (Ch.4, Par.53) She started lying to Ellen and to the soldiers to keep Ellen and the rest of the Jews safe. She took the responsibility to take the package to Uncle Henrik, to keep the Star of David until Ellen came back, and to not spill the beans about the whole thing. Doing all of that takes bravery and courage. Annemarie was taking her last steps towards womanhood at the age of 10. Annemarie's whole life circled around the lie about Aunt Birte, plus others. Her life changed, her relationship towards the adults changed, and last but not least, she learned the meaning and the way of

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