Too Much Homework Is Bad Essay

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Hearing a teacher say “You have homework” is at the top of the list of “statements students do not want to hear.” The amount of homework that students have had over the years has increased in hours since homework became standard practice in 1905, around the same time formal school was created. An average highschool student today is given four to six hours in one night, limiting how much time they can spend with family and being active. Homework is harmful to students.
To begin with, students are given too much homework. To explain, according the article “Too Much Homework!”, “9 year olds to 11 year olds spent an average of 2 hours and 49 minutes in homework each week” (1). This is in addition to the forty hours students spend in school during …show more content…

Vicki Haddock states, “Enforced homework assignments not only do not help children learn, opponents contend, but also largely destroy their love of learning!” (2). This explains, homework does not help students learn but instead, kills any love of learning a student could of had at one point. “The memorization exercises that comprised most of the era’s homework assignments were characterized as a dire threat to children’s mental health” (Haddock 3). This exemplifies, homework is a threat to mental and physical health of a student, causing stress or depression. Students care a lot about grades, but if there is an outrageous amount of homework, a student can lose hope for everything involving school and grades. Finally, “The now-defunct American Child Association joined the campaign against homework, posting that homework was one of the leading causes of tuberculosis and heart disease among U.S. youths.” (Haddock 3) This demonstrates, homework has been proven to cause diseases in U.S. youths. Homework is a hazard to a student's health, but teachers still give it out anyway. Soon no one will ever want to go to school because of the outrageous homework piles handed

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