Tomi Lahren

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Tomi Lahren’s arguments, judgements, and point of view are completely biased and immature. On the talk show, the topics of the black lives matter movement, police brutality, Colin Kaepernick, and oppression of the black community were addressed. Lahren’s rebuttals were completely left short with inaccurate information and biased opinions. Her statements reflected the lack of composition, research, and exposure to the real world. Lahren demonstrated ignorance through her interpretations of black lives matter, Colin Kaepernick, and the answer to having a voice in the U.S. if you’re black.

First, Lahren completely misses the point of the black lives matter movement. She refers to the protests as “riots” and referring to the protestors as “crybabies with nothing better to do” and stating for a false sense of purpose. Also, according correctly to host Trevor Noah, she’s “labeling out the actions of a few and condemning an entire group”. She states that she also witnessed a …show more content…

She never fully addresses the question but alternatively gives reasons as to why Kaepernick is wrong for doing what he did. She only states her view and how it affects her, not the whole race. She doesn’t understand the oppression black people face today which is a major reason for her ignorance. In conclusion, Tomi Lahren demonstrates a poor response to Noah’s questions with her biased opinions. She backs up her argument with only her opinions and barely any facts, goes on with a neglected view of the United States, and fails to acknowledge that there actually is oppression towards black people in this country. She also contradicts most of her statements and arguments, doesn’t know the reason for the protesting, and call herself a victim of oppression in this country because she is privileged. This goes on to show her false reasoning and

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