To What Extent Does The Harsh Climate Of Starkfield Play A Role In Edith Wharton's Ethan Frome

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Srijit Paul
Ethan Frome Essay

Thesis Question: To what extent does the harsh climate of Starkfield play a role in the minds of the Frome household? Snow, the epitome of beauty, grace, and wonder. What hides underneath this blanket of white, is far from what is thought. Snow plays a key role in creating the harsh environment that makes Starkfield, Massachusetts, a city from Ethan Frome a novel by author Edith Wharton. The harsh climate of Starkfield has a sense of changing the people that encounter it, especially the Frome household. Starkfield is an interesting name for a town in New England. The narrator’s first words of the town of itself are, “But when winter shut down on Starkfield, and the village lay under a sheet of snow perpetually renewed from the pale skies...”(6). The city itself closes down due to the harsh climate and forces people inside. When people are stuck inside, that is when trouble starts brewing, or in the case of Ethan, lust.Th author’s choice of naming the fictional town is peculiar as she starts the towns name with the word “stark”. The oxford definition …show more content…

Mattie came to Starkfield to as a sickly but underwent a huge transformation into a strong independent woman. “How the girl had changed since she had come to Starkfield! He remembered what a colourless slip of a thing she had looked the day he had met her at the station. And all the first winter, how she had shivered with cold when the northerly gales shook the thin clapboards and the snow beat like hail against the loose-hung windows”. Mattie is symbolized as the beauty of snow, she is comforting and pretty and one of the positives of the harsh climate of Starkfield.The way Mattie changed is surprising because the isolation drives most people crazy but she manages to use the isolation to experience growth as a person. The harsh climate of Starkfield can sometimes flash a positive

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