To Kill A Mockingbird Quotes And Analysis Essay

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Pages 47-49:
Explaining setting:
“ It’s three years later. It’s 1904.”
“there’s Mrs. Gibbs and Mrs. Webb come down to make breakfast”
Attitude, Theme:
“Summers and winters have cracked the mountains a little bit more and the rains have brought down some of the dirt.”
Page 49:
Introducing character
“Here comes Howie Newsome delivering milk.”
Page 62-63:
Interrupting a scene, establishing authority
“Thank you very much, Mr. and Mrs. Webb. - Now I have to interrupt again here.”
“Breaking the fourth wall”
“But before they do it I want you to try and remember what it was like to have been very young.”
Page 67.1:
Playing a character
“The stage manager, wearing spectacles and assuming the role of Mr. Morgan”
Page 67.2:
Playing a character
“You …show more content…

You know what’s going to happen afterwards.” (talking to Emily)
Page 100:
Interacting with other characters
“Do you want any special time of day?”

Page 101.1: interacting with other characters
“It’s 1899. This is fourteen years ago”
Page 101.2: interacting with other characters
“Yes, your mother’ll be coming downstairs in a minute to make breakfast.”
Page 101.3: interacting with other characters
“And you remember: your father had been away for several days”
Page 101.4: interacting with other characters
“He’d been back to his college to make a speech - in western New York, at Clinton.”
Page 108:
Interacting with other characters
“No. The saints and poets, maybe -- they do some.”
Pages 111-112:
“Most everybody’s asleep...There are a few lights on” (111)
Breaking the fourth wall
“You get a good rest, too. Good night.”

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