To Kill A Mockingbird Essays: Personal Experience

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In my life a lot of things have converged together to make me who I am today. Some were expected and some weren’t. How we respond to what happens to us, is what makes us who we are. I have been active in many different things so far in my life, each of which have changed me.
I have been involved in scouts since I was a little kid, and I worked my way up to becoming an Eagle Scout. It taught me a bunch of things, I met new friends, gave me all sorts of memories, and it helped me grow into who I am. During scouts one thing I learned to appreciate is nature. We have a saying that we are supposed live by, “Leave No Trace”. Anytime I go out into nature for any activity, I try to leave it as good or better than when I got there. The point is to …show more content…

I used to go camping once a month with scouts. It taught me how to take care of myself and to be grateful for what I have. Every time I go camping in a tent, I realize how good I have it. I have a house with a bed and air conditioning. Some people don’t have any of that and it is good to be reminded how good off I really am.
Some of the memories in scouts is Scout Camp. Every summer I go down to H. Roe Bartle Scout Reservation with my troop for 10 days. When I was a kid this was a tough thing to do, considering I was leaving home and my family for an extended period of time. These trips have helped me grow as a person. I no longer get homesick when I go down, which will have prepared me to leave for college.
One of the other big things in my life is family. My grandpa John passed away this past year. He was a big inspiration to me and who I am today. Some of the best memories I have of him is at our family farm. It is a piece of land that has been in our family since my great grandpa. It is in a little town, if you can call it a town, called Almartha. Having conversations with my grandpa would always give me a laugh, especially when it was “down home,” which is what he would call the farm. John would talk to anybody about anything, he wasn’t a shy guy, which is one of my favorite things about him. Every year me and my family go down to the farm to

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