To Kill A Mockingbird Atticus Finch Character Traits

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In the book, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, there were many unique attributes each character held. But the main trait Atticus, Miss Maudie, and Jean held was an unshakable hope in humanity. After his trial ended on a low note, Atticus continued keeping his cool and never thought of losing hope in humanity, as Jeremy did. Miss Maudie commented on Jeremy’s despaired comments about Macomb people with, ‘”We’re so rarely called on to be Christians, but when we are, we’ve got men like Atticus to go for us.”’ (Page 288, Chapter 22). This meant that there were men who supported the minorities. This did not mean, however, that there were no characters against equality and while Jean was exposed to that evil in a person’s heart through her …show more content…

After his recent trial ended negatively, Atticus continued keeping his cool. He also resumed his daily life. The time he spent worrying about the trial and what came of it is shown in this sentence, none: ’”I’m not bitter, just tired. I’m going to bed.”’ (Page 285, Chapter 22). His wisdom, which accumulated over the years, helped him understand human nature and its strengths and weaknesses. But the knowledge he learned did not change how he thought of …show more content…

While surrounded by people who did not share her ideas, she continued to believe in the populous. After the trial, she did not fall into despair as Jeremy, her brother, did. Instead, she continued to believe in what she knew was right and stated her ideals clearly to opposite parties. When Jeremy and Jean were discussing people in general, Jean told him, ‘Naw, Jem, I think there’s just one kind of folks. Folks.”’ (Page 304, Chapter 23). Even when discussing with her brother, whom she respects, she continues to stay steadfast in her trust in

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