To Kill A Mockingbird A Villain Analysis

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'Society is the true villain in Maycomb County. Discuss.'

Harper Lee’s novel To Kill a Mockingbird presents a corrupt society which are challenged with complex social, ethical and moral issues.

Some may argue that Bob Ewell is the villain, but in reality, society is the harshest villain. Lee’s underlying theme such as social discrimination plays a part in identifying the wrong doings of the community and how it has an effect on opinionated judgements.

The dominating theme of racial discrimination is clearly evident throughout the book. Unfortunately, the society itself is the ultimate cause of such dilemma. Maycomb County is segregated into the hardworking, honest black people, and the privileged and prejudiced white people. The long hold racist attitude towards the black people are unforgiving as they have not been recognised as human beings, and are treated inhumanely. When Tom Robinson; a respectful black man is wrongfully accused of raping a white girl, Mayella Ewell, Atticus is assigned to fight for Tom in the trial. Due to Atticus being a white man ...

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