Tim O Brien Perseverance Quotes

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People oftentimes hold a mental preposition of perseverance. Many would say it is a word used to describe the ability to continue the most difficult tasks, even while weighing the world on one's shoulders. Another might describe it as an act of discipline, a matter of just doing it, whether or not one wants to complete a task. Knowledge of oneself plays a role in the amount or level of perseverance an individual holds within oneself. An understanding of how a person reacts when their morals and duties to their country clash against each other. Tim O’Brien discusses his moral firefight, deciding whether to fight a pointless war by risking his future success and dignity by fleeing to a new country. Knowledge of oneself is challenged when faced …show more content…

The text discusses the moral impositions of fighting in war. The moral strain of being forced to fight in a war conjures up ideas of fleeing a country, justifying why he is above the war “I was too good for this war”. Too smart, too compassionate, too everything.” Through this thought process, he discusses the inner strength and perseverance to advocate for what is right. The moral justification of his actions lies within the further philosophical values one has, whether it may be concerning political correctness or moral justifications. In Toms's mind, the action is justified if it regards punching Nazis, but since it is immoral to act against whatever the United States perceives as a threat. War does not consider the lives lost, the level of education one may have, or the experiences one may have while in war. The author writes about instances where he describes the scenes of war he also saw while working in a pig factory. The images portrayed there help the reader understand the self-knowledge one has of what they are doing, but also recognize that it pertains to no other purpose than to kill and deal with the dead

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