Tim Collins Allusions

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The speaker that said this is Tim Collins. He is a retired officer of northern Irish military commanding the 1st Battalion of the Royal Irish Regiment. He has fought in seven wars with them being 1st Gulf War, Colombia Drugs War, Zaire Army Rebellion 1991, Bosnia, Kosovo and the Iraq War. He is most known for his speech ”Eve of Battle”.

Tim Collins used allusions to make the listener feel a connection to this place. The regions were to create a connection between the environment and the soldiers by saying things that were mentioned in the Bible making them fill a connection with the place. The things that were referenced showed how the land had gone through so much and that the soldiers should be respectful. These allusions would have connected to the soldiers because they would have been mostly Christian or orthodox. An example was Collins saying “I can assure you they live with the mark of Cain upon them”. Which is a direct reference from the Bible being in Genesis 4:1–16, “Cain treacherously murdered his brother Abel, lied about the murder to God, and as a result was cursed and marked for life.” Overall using Allusions makes the listener get a connection to the place which makes the speech very effective. …show more content…

High modality words make the listener believe that they would win the war because of worlds that are positive. The call to action words that he used the words will and can because it make you think you will win. This is good because it boosts the soldiers moral even though they may die and it would help slur them into battle. This is very effective because it helps the soldiers think they will do something to help win the war but they may die as soon as they get on the battlefield. This makes the speech effective because even though they are going to a place full of war they will think of the

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