Tim Burton Misfit Themes

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A Journey Through Life
Most people go their whole lives without ever discovering who they truly are. However, that is not the case for many of the main characters in Tim Burton’s unique films. Burton establishes a theme in his films that young people truly find themselves when they deviate from the path society has carved for them through his uses of misfit protagonists and magical settings in his movies.
One way Burton establishes this theme is by using misfit characters in his films. In Alice in Wonderland, Alice is an outcast compared to the people around her. At one point, Alice’s mother is disappointed that Alice did not wear “proper” attire to a party, and, when Alice defiantly asks her if she would wear a codfish on her head if it was …show more content…

In Alice in Wonderland, Alice is unhappy with her life. Everyone tells her what she has to do and who she has to be, and she barely smiles in London. Once she gets to Wonderland, however, she makes friends and becomes surer of herself through her experiences. She discovers her full potential when she slays the Jabberwocky, and realizes how intelligent and courageous she really is. She tells the Hatter that staying in Wonderland with him and all of her friends would be a crazy, wonderful idea. Even though she goes home, being in Wonderland makes her happy. However, without the eccentric, fantastical place, she would not have discovered who she truly is. Another similar example is in Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children. Jacob feels undervalued and unloved in America, where he lives. In one scene, his mother says that she is not willing to take time off work to take him to Wales, so he can recover from losing his grandfather. In another, he spends lots of time at work neatly stacking packages, only for a group of teens to carelessly knock the tower over and not even apologize. No one respects him. Once he goes through the time loop, however, he is accepted and looked up to by the peculiar children. He defends them from the hollows without a second thought, proving that he is willing to die to save them. They all easily become a family, and stick together and protect each other when they are in danger. At the end of the film, Jacob goes home, then uses loops to get back to them so that he can stay with them. Without Miss Peregrine’s time loop, however, Jacob would not have discovered that he is peculiar, or found out where he belonged. He would still be in America unhappily stacking boxes and being ignored by his peers, which is never a life anyone wants to

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