My Initial Journey with Hoopla Team

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“Thump, Thump” my heart was bursting out of my chest I was so nervous. It was a couple of years ago when I joined a team called Hoopla. My dad came to me one winter day and suggested I try out for this traveling to called hoopla. I didn't know what to think of it, I have never been on a traveling team before. I told him that I would think about it and get back to him the next day, the day came and I told decided to try it. The day came and the whole way down to the tryout I was as scared as a turkey in November! The tryouts were at a school in Sioux city. As soon as I walked in the door, I smelled sweat and I wanted to leave. I started to sweat before I even started playing, I saw so many girls from 3rd to 11th grade. I didn't know where to even go so I walked to the middle of the court and that's when it began. …show more content…

We all ran to the base line and got in a line. The coach blew his whistle and everyone stopped talking and looked at him. He said, “ Get in your age groups and start some ball handing.” The beginning was easy until we got to the drills and that he it got hard . We then went to a drill where if you u missed a jump shot you had to run a killer. I was so tired I wasn't going to move again. Try outs was just a little over half way done. We finally got a water break and I was a turtle walking over to my water bottle. After our break, we got right back to work and instantly I tasted the salty sweat in my mouth it was gross. I heard the whistles blow after the drill ended and everyone lined up again to get split into teams to scrimmage. I got put into a team with a bunch of girls that were older than me. I was scared because I was only in 6th grade and I was playing with 11th graders. It was like I was a leaf in the forest, I didn't want to be with

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